What's the deal with people at work who don't answer their emails or messages or take 10 years to answer them...

What's the deal with people at work who don't answer their emails or messages or take 10 years to answer them? I end up having to schedule a meeting with them to force the information out of them.

I humoured someone earlier this week by messaging them a list of about 6 questions and she didn't fucking answer. This is someone who wants resources from my team to be used for her benefit.

Are people secretly subliterate? It feels like normies work through being plugged in to a hivemind and they hate anything objective.

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>wagie rage thread
>chuckle and ignore

How the hell do you have time to write and read emails? Do you job.

99 problems being a wagie ain't one.

I do this all the time the answer is because I just don’t care about waging unlike YOU. I’ll respond to stuff when I feel like it not at the drop of the hat of other wagies. Or I might be busy and forgot about it.

Maybe they just can't be arsed

I should also add it’s funny you call others normies when your Jimmie’s are the ones getting rustled about emails KEK.

People just can't be arsed, sorry mr. Noseberg.


Reddit spacing

You have to go back

Always speak face to face at the coffee machine man
E-mails are for HR and out of building conversations

Fuck you, time vampire, open a support ticket and get in line.

this, imagine being a wagie lmao

I do this. I can't be bothered.
Or I let this escalate just enough that it doesn't become an issue for me but it's still late anyway. Always having a stupid excuse ready.
I never answer within one working day.

I need to make office slaving interesting somehow.

f p b p

>I humoured someone earlier this week by messaging them a list of about 6 questions and she didn't fucking answer.

There's your problem, mails within an organization should follow a simple " we live in a society bottom text " format

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Just call them on Teams and ask

As if the phones have worked at all since corporate switched them to run on teams. Thing is, everyone knew it would be a total shitshow. Everything from corporate IT always is. Everything from corporate at all is really...

checked and based

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Normies hate to structure their thoughts in writing. It requires them to engage you honestly. They would rather meet you in person and manipulate you into doing whatever they want from you. And they get away with it too because it's their world we're living in

There are push services, and pull services. Email is a pull service, you open it up whenever you feel like it. Chat messages that wake up your phone and pop up and much more likely to get people's attention.
If they don't respond to pushed messages, they got a problem and you should confront them about it

>Those digits
>That comment
>First post
Absolutely based

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What’s the deal with companies who ignore my job applications or reject me without looking at any of my work? Everything nowadays is a numbers game. Reply not sneeded

None at all, even the bullshit about golden rule, NAP, ethics, morality, whatever, all bullshit.
I'm not denying that there are consequences to your actions, just point out to the inherent veil of bullshit we all live behind.

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There is no sensible way to live life at all.

simple as