Charles is... based?

Selling 50% of my folio into ADA

Attached: 1653720790071.webm (640x360, 644.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll buy at 2c

Is that you Charles?

Eat shit and die, Charles. Not buying your bags.

What did charles mean by that last part?

Attached: 1631120819165.jpg (578x538, 61.14K)

He is implying Vitalik is only, or primarily, attracted to children and that is why you haven't seen him in a relationship with a woman nor a man.

Charlie has confirmed Vitamin is indeed, a pedophile. And no one is surprised.

Attached: FTVcharlie77777.jpg (1409x2178, 597.08K)

What a retard. If the goal of that speech was to make me like him more than Vitalik, he failed catastrophically.

he's asexual, Gavin hinted at it in an interview back in 2019.


Attached: mlpcharlie.jpg (1440x969, 269.9K)

Many of the greatest minds in history never cared about dating and is thought to have died virgins. Isaac Newton, Immanuel Kant, Nikola Tesla, etc

And all of Any Forums

>never dates
>has to be a pedo

is this why people avoid don't make eye contact with me?


vitalik is a commie alien eunuch

kek this is what this guy spends his time doing, talking about people that do actual work. Hilarious, this whole Ada shitshow has been non-stop laughter for me

he told us all to go slow mmkay?

Attached: slow.png (1193x611, 613.05K)

kek, basic but effective

While he is right about Vitalik he is completely sjw socialist as is his reddit army.