Does the US even have an upper class...

Does the US even have an upper class? I'm watching this show and these people are the richest people in the US and they dress like shit, they eat like shit, they go to restaurants and they just eat whatever like pancakes with blueberries or chicken etc, the only person who even came close to being health conscious was Larry David who said he won't eat chicken that isn't free range but he too probably cooks his chicken with canola oil or some shit. It's truly bizarre that the plebs and the rich are the same in america

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Were all human user. Money makes no difference to that. Don't forget we we all come from.

Shut the fuck up yuropoor. Your bullshit ideals don't matter anymore. Eat shit and freeze.

>new money hollywood kikes
They are not the actual aristocracy.

They have money, but they are not part of the old money WASP culture

What are you on about? Should they be sprinking diamonds on everything they eat? Relax.

Who is sitting next to Jerry?

>my one acknowledgement of their good eating habits is the sourcing of food
>this retarded american can't comprehend any food criticism that isn't about abundance instead of quality

If the society is as incongruously heterogenous as they are you have to build it around the lowest common denominators in order to make it at least somewhat coherent. Hence their whole "culture", humour, food, style is gutter trash mostly. Little wonder people adapt to it and adopt it as their own after a couple of generations and they just don't know any better any more. Their " elites" now try to be the loudest, most conspicuous gutter trash, cause that's the way to appeal to their "cultural heritage" and become popular that way.

Jews have no class

You know that show is scripted, right?

>It's truly bizarre that the plebs and the rich are the same in america
We are just like you goyim!!!

What’s the deal with OP?

Is he a faggot or a retard?

>me, if I was rich (I'm not), I would only participate in fine dining and high quality coke (drugs aren't bad if you're rich)

If you want to look at American old money, you are better off looking at the Johnsons (of JnJ fame.)
Here is their old estate on sale:

Jamie Johnson also made a good documentary on it.

The closest thing to an upper class in the USA are the old money families. Seinfeld isn't old money rich. He is nigga rich.


I understand being rich and not blowing your money on stupid shit. But it confuses me as to why people with $50million + don’t splurge and live a great life. Even billionaires like buffet live in a modest houses and drive average cars. Such a wasted life. I guess it comes down to the mindset of *not spending a cent more than you have to, and living below your means* which makes sense as to why they’re rich.
But damn, at least get to live a little.

A lot of them do live moderately fancy lives for their entire lives, while doing basically nothing. Again, watch "Born Rich" by Jamie Johnson.

they're all just actors that totally LARP their net worth. Why do you think all these super rich celebrities and athletes always go broke after a few years? Like how can you go broke after being worth $100 million or even $10 million? Like wtf, it's not just nigger affleets either

It's called "relating to your audience" and their audience is not upper class so they do things lower class and middle class people can relate to and understand. It's why Hillary comes off as a robot trying to learn basic human interaction and how Trump, a literal Jew York billionaire celebrity who lives in a gold-plated penthouse, convinced people making 30K a year he understands them.

Attached: trump_painting.jpg (895x1000, 220.08K)

Some unfunny hole who was on SNL.

Buffett is such a cheap bastard piece of shit. He made his entire fortune from other people's work and takes all the credit like he's some genius guru hero. All the while still waiting in line at McDonalds drive thru paying for Egg Mcmuffins with pocket change. No class whatsoever.