What should black people invest in?

I'm a black man. What should I invest in? No crypto

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Unironically invest in getting as far away from poor niggers as possible. Your life and success depend on it.

Jokes aside, if not LARP, just DCA in to VTI or VT, black man. Godspeed.

That’s a good stock. I like RILY too.

Exactly this. Nothing else matters until you've done this, op.

The BLACKchain

Soap and nailcutters

I'm an incel I can't date women
wtf why is this pumping rn
I already have done that but now I want cash. I have $10k to invest

Mental health, black banks, land(so you can begin farming, and financial advising (the ability to not outsource)

Invest in monero. Watch YT/Mental Outlaw. Be a based nigga.
>B b b but I said no crypto
Not my problem. Kys.

JXN is pumping because they have a PE ratio well under 5 and make billons of dollars. A lot of boomers are retiring. The company is needed.

Based. I will have to take a look at it.

A job application.

Hex, unironically. But I'm also black and wouldn't touch it with my 3 inch pole

An education. There's nothing more inspiring yet scary to white man than a well-educated black man that makes more money than them.

I've been looking at too much final fantasy, I thought this was amano's concept art.


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