How do overachieving kids usually do when they're no longer kids? Are they actually gonna make it?

How do overachieving kids usually do when they're no longer kids? Are they actually gonna make it?
Turn out to be early bloomers? Become a generic wagie? Become a celeb/youtuber, forgetting all their skills after they went viral?

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I think this is an interesting topic and I can't say anything for sure but I can tell a story
>be me
>Like 6 years old
>Parents are both high IQ eastern yuropoor immigrants to the land of the free
>Get tested "gifted" and "130+ IQ" and "advanced mathematics" etc.
>My parents decide to not put me in gifted and instead put me in general education classes with run of the mill kids
>Their reasoning for doing this was that general classes were more "normal" whereas gifted was full of immigrants and less likely to have me "integrate"
>From then on I was used to being top of the class without much effort, but I also was friends with lots of extraverted mid IQ people (as opposed to the usual spergs that are in gifted classes)
>By the time I'm 18 and go to college, the fact that I was in gen Ed vs gifted was literally IRRELEVANT
>I ended up at a top uni (top 5 in rankings in us) studying math
>I was surrounded by autists but they had extremely low social skills compared to me and were much less "well adjusted" (although of course I still have some autism deep within me considering I am on Any Forums)
>A few years later now and I have quant job on wall street and everything 'worked out' (high net worth, lots of accolades etc.)
>But most importantly I am HAPPY because I feel like a well adjusted person and all of my friends are normal, mid range IQ, sociable well adjusted people (as opposed to the hyper spergs that most of my peers who were in gifted associate with)

In summary, I think there's lots of benefit to just letting your child be treated as if they are average, even if they are technically a bit above average (although the entire notion of gifted is retarded)

Holy shit, kid. Chill the fuck down. Go smoke a joint and listen to some music or something

>You have alerted the horde

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I should add I was winning state level chess championships and competing nationally and internationally, and I was competing in national level math competitions in HS, so I was in a lot of ways an "overachiever" but I never felt that way because my peers were normal people. It was just a few hours a day where I was immersed in hyper competitive over achieving environments. But most of these kids are immersed in such environments 24/7 and regardless of whether or not they burn out, are so unhappy

He's a Singaporean.

>Singapore Mathematical Kangaroo contest

what does he mean by this?

Rivalry against Australian antagonists

Fpbp. The average high iq person is probably just someone well adjusted with an upper middle class job.

ya i was honors kid surrounded by engineers and doctor kids but I grew up middle class now i work a shitty engineering job and am super lazy cause no family pressure

Just a question, but maybe you are truly gifted, i.e. "well-rounded," and would have corrected any social underdevelopment out of an innate understanding of a need to socially integrate.
I'm in a, very loosely, similar situation though my schooling was poorer and our program was borderline nonexistent. My schooling almost put me in a bubble with the rest of the honors/advanced/gifted kids but I always had this urge to connect to people outside of that bubble. Life circumstance pushed me further out of this bubble, but I've really used all this to leap out of said circumstance while remaining grounded.
Anyways, rambling and multitasking. Just an idea. Also
>But most importantly I am HAPPY because I feel like a well adjusted person and all of my friends are normal, mid range IQ, sociable well adjusted people (as opposed to the hyper spergs that most of my peers who were in gifted associate with)
Success attracts success.

My older brother and I are pretty similar on IQ, he might be a bit higher when I compare our raw problem-solving ability and how we match up with puzzles and strategy games and shit.

I went into a 'gifted' program from grade 5-10 and socialized with autists, whereas he stayed in the normie school program and socialized with morons.

He is getting close to 40 and only worked for a couple years in his life doing fairly entry level IT shit, and has been unemployed for the last 4 years.

I am a lawyer and run my own practice after having had a number of successful jobs (left on my own terms with a good reference) during university and afterwards. Around 80% of the people that were in my gifted program are now professionals (lots of doctors and lawyers, some engineers and accountants, a few misc like professional chemists/biologists), which is obviously a ridiculous ratio compared to the population at large.

Did the gifted program make any difference, or was it a compounding of many other different factors?


I fucked around until i was 18. I'm 25 making >300k at Google now just because I have 130 IQ and know "the game" (AKA became an interview machine) (srs)

>he might be a bit higher
>only worked for a couple years in his life

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Yes, other than the lifestyle that goes along with poverty.

Terence Tao turned out fine.

Child prodigy types usually burn out at a certain point, whether they are entertainers or math wizards doesn't matter. For more "normal" overachieving kids, it depends on too many factors to make a generalized judgement. A lot have autistic tendencies and need a certain environment to flourish and will end up as weirdo NEETs if they are bullied or neglected. Others have the innate psychological stability and ambition to overcome basically anything.

2020 - 12 achievements
2021 - 18 achievements
2022 - 5 achievements. Slipping from 98 percentile to 97th percentile. Down AC percent too.

Kid has already peaked and losing his edge in his old age.

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complete opposite experience to you maybe im a degenerate though.

>be me
>like 8-9
>school does iq test, i get 135
>they are surprised cuz i am generally a nuisance and retard in class
>put me in GATE program.
>i do well
>parents don't like it as it takes away my personality, i also don't develop social skills which i was lacking (used to walk away from conversations if they were boring)
>get taken out and put with normies
>school is easy af. never have to work hard
>spend time messing around with friends instead
>breeze through primary and high school
>get into law degree at uni
>life starts crumbling
>dont study/ work hard cuz never learnt those skills
>start failing because reading 4x1000 pg text books the night before the exam is pretty fucken hard
>party every weekend instead
>develop depression during uni
>take 7 years to finish 5 year degree
>try being junior lawyer but fail cuz unorganised, unmotivated and not as smart as i was
>literally get brain fog 4/7 days
>get fired as lawyer burnt out, a failure and a loser.

in summary, i think it doesn't fucken matter what you treat your child as as long as you understand and stay on top of the disadvantages of your decisions

>I am super lazy cause no family pressure
Of course....

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be high performer
be brit
be wrong social background
be totally, utterly destroyed by them