Arthur Hayes says 28k is the bottom

Should we listen? Are we going lower?

Attached: 1596111448815.jpg (828x1325, 195.33K)

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no he said 26k was the bottom. but that was based on a 30-50% nasdaq dump and it's only gone down a max of 18% since he started doom posting

i expect him to come out with a revision of his targets to 15k or so

He called the double digit eth bottom a couple years ago so he's got my attention

Anyone got the link to his blog post

his most recent post, and it doesnt indeed contain a new price target

Attached: file.png (711x108, 9.16K)

Wrong. He’s calling for a 20k btc bottom.

Attached: 95BE454B-08BF-4BDB-8DF0-F092AB8359A4.jpg (828x288, 141.44K)

that’s not a man

>bleached hair
>1lb makeup
>cellulite in thighs
>forearm tattoo

i keep rereading this, he said stay away from crypto till it gets around there, i shouldve listened

Were ficked if bitcoin goes to previous bull run peak

LINK will be at $2 at that point

I thought he said the previous ATH was the bottom.

>Should we listen?

Attached: arthur.png (640x432, 312.14K)

yup he tried to warn everyone back in january, nobody listened and got real cocky when bitcoin hit 47k

i wouldnt be surprised if regulation fud + stock market continuing to collapse brings us lower than 20k

and its $2 more where it should

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Who gives a fuck you really going to sell ever??

100% of the time I listened to any crypto billionaire I lost money
Pro tip, these guys don't want you to make it, they want you to lose all your money so they can get a 5th yacht

>the nasdaq is well above 10k and summerfags think we are anywhere near close with the dumpings

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Peter Schiff caught my attention when he called the housing crash in 2007. He's been wrong every year since.

That's a man.

nah. you have to consider the possibility that DAI will collapse if ETH keeps dropping then that would send BTC down to about 19k then USDT will not likely be able to cover the pain of tetherfags bailing out. hopefully, by then most of them will, instead of selling for good, they'll just transfer to USDC, so perhaps USDT will bottom out and send BTC down to about 13k assuming that half of tetherfags do convert to USDC which is likely. ETH and the entire altcoin market will be demolished. A lot of exchanges will die. don't know why there's so much hate for COIN considering the only exchanges that will survive this onslaught would be coinbase and binance. kucoin, gemini,, ftx etc. will take everyone's crypto with them and file for bankruptcy and likely call it quits on crypto for good. only the strong will survive and the only one that will is BTC after this worst-case scenario

Attached: Open Season for Altcoins.jpg (600x300, 111.41K)

>he got 1 prediction right (barely) out of a bunch so i trust him
ETH hit 98 for a day and never came back down

Exactly. You have to be new to take Arthur at face value.

Attached: lordarthurhayes.jpg (900x600, 66.76K)

Nasdaq bottom was -33%

he said that level will be retested, not that it would necessarily be the bottom

>he got 1 prediction right
Are you fucking serious, you little faggot? Arthur was the #2 most important manipulator of the price for several years right after the Bitfinex guys. This guy isn't just some random whale

from the top, but not from the time when he started posting that it's going to get much worse, beginning of january

What event is this from?

What can be better than money? Maybe a lot of money? Oh, ya are pretty right, dude! Moox can help you with this.

>Purchase competition with up to 0,5% ot total bonus
>Each purchase, equal to or more than 0.2 BNB will be eligible as a ticket
>This competition and giveaway will be from 31st May - to 3rd june

So a conman. Putting your faith into a scammer. Dam, now I know why ya’ll stay broke as fuck. lls