Why do most nft games ask you to treat them as if they were full-time jobs? Like...

Why do most nft games ask you to treat them as if they were full-time jobs? Like, you need to grind 24/7 and then there’s stuff like krida which comes with random buzzwords such as “skill-based” scarcity, essentially implying that the better you are at the game, the more likely you are to find better valued nfts or something like that.

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bc theres money involved

I wouldn't even grind my favourite games 24/7 maybe I will play it a few hours a week? I don't think I would do it even when I was a student and could play however much I wanted

not an excuse

it is imagine if you got payed for playing league all day


well if they made an actual fun nft one wanted to play fr it would be a different story

this project airdrops tokens the longer you hold opensea.io/collection/flappybirds

that's an e-sport my dude


pay is an irregular verb hence its past tense is paid, not payed

dont do this to me again i wont fall for this again you cant make me

yes mr academy

>holding in the cucking market

Luna holders crying rn

this isn't gonna end soon OP, unless they actually think who is their target it won't change

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what's wrong with it?

didn't it recover?


nope they're launching lune 2.0 for a reason