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With all this extra cash floating around the economy will pump big time

So uhh should I take out a loan now? I've already gone through my PPP

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Let's print another 6 trillion, what could go wrong?

Can you explain how that works?
If it cancels debt, is it not making it better? Or do you mean it'll be financed by printing?

>be me
>does the right thing
>pays on student loans
>8 years later
>$125 balance left on loans
Fuck Biden if he does this I want a $10k refund or tax credit. I’ll never do the right thing again!

if you paid a single penny since april 2020 you are retarded. The second the money printer started i pledged to never pay my loans back

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Haven’t paid since then it’s been at $125 since then

could we bully king leaf into doing the same thing here?

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Re-enroll and take out 10K in student loans right now.

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This will do literally nothing.

I haven't repaid a single fucking cent of my public loan student debt since the chink virus caused the govt to stop collecting and stop accruing interest on them. I'm willing to bet 95%+ are in the same boat.

It's literally priced in. Also modern college is so unaffordable this is like 1 years worth of tuition at any American university. What a fucking joke lmao

>millennials suddenly save 10k
>start spending money
>inflation gets even worse
It has the same monetary effect as turning on the money printer. That’s what he was saying

keke - great pepe user

I'm gonna lmao when millennials learn that canceled debt is income in the eyes of the IRS and they get hit with milti thousand dollar tax bills. Hope you guys are leaving a little in the bank for Uncle Sam come April.

this barely pays off one semester at a university

Thanks user solid idea

>in the same position
>actively dont care

Inflation is guaranteed until the Fed has the balls to raise bond rates to 8%+ AND until the government commits to paying off the $32 trillion dollar debt.

I only have 8k in debt (haven't paid a cent of it).
Thanks community college.

They are getting pretty desperate for midterms huh?

I daily LMFAO @ people who take expensive core classes at major universities when you can just do them at a CC for a fraction of the cost and transfer.

Have fun paying out the ass for a HS rehash, morons.

>same monetary effect as turning on the money printer
Oh shit.

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Who is this nobody?

Debt cancellation is just political point scoring. Politicians never want to talk about how government loans allow colleges to charge whatever they want and get away with it. Students don't know any better and rack up massive debts only to get a measly amount cancelled in the future. Let's see Biden's geriatric ass answer questions about why college is so expensive and why it's the government's fault for inflating prices

Thanks for the response. sorry if I am financially stupid, but owing 10K less doesn't mean you get 10K, right? I'm just not imagining how it's quite the same effect, the money in their pockets won't increase.

>"It massively increased access to higher education and in return people went into debt on a currency we are going to inflate forever anyway."