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nothing ever happens

...So did they arrest him or fucking what? Where the fuck is this chink?

I fell for ANOTHER psyop. Fuck this industry

Why are you posting shit that's two weeks old?

Honestly this whole thing glows mad hard

10 billion worth and you think they can touch him.....

Hey hey heyyyyyyyy

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>10 billion worth and you think they can touch him.....
Imagine thinking, just because he has 10 billion, hes untouchable. the government would get this if they touch him.

He's not jewish so yes.

That’s incentive to get him
How those old Luna bags?

south korea isn’t muttmerica

Too bad it was not North Korea or this clown show would be over already.

>Closes short positions opened using LFG fund on Binance and Gemini after crashing own coin
>Boards private plane booked three weeks prior to Bhutan with several Slavic supermodel sluts
>"Lol don't worry. luna 2.0 guys"
>Rugs more idiots again before there's even a warrant issued for arrest

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It's a gook. As a Korean I feel insulted by the lack of accuracy of your racial slurs.

I chink I know you, but I gook be wrong



Haha if he actually shorted his own coin to profit and then fork a new one that's insane levels of greed. Any source on any of that?

Yeah they can, it's South Korea you donkey. Lovely country until you step on the wrong persons toes.

should be hang

Anyone giving this faggot money deserves to get rugged again
Any exchange doing business with him again needs to be ignored