I slurped the dip. You did not. We are not the same

I slurped the dip. You did not. We are not the same.

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i slurp every dip, always

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Beck from Victorious?

i did, but i sold the bounce. good luck op.

All you had to do was look at the moon and it told you what to do.

Yes because I'm not an idiot xD

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I tried but my bank blocked the tranny

I sold the top and will wait for THE dip. We are not the same

I was outside

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What did you buy?

I sold BTC at $49 and bought back at $33
we are different, and used the profit on Rfox and Cream, we are too different.

Fuck off

cringe pajeet is cringe

I have slurped btc. You did not. I have slurped matic, the only Jeet project Vishnu truly shines upon. You did not. I have slurped Lcx. You did not. There is not a shred of comparison between us.

The dip continues to dip. DCA if you believe in the project, especially the low caps. Just added more SYLO, NFA. Let's see how it goes.

I made 20 dollars today daytrading. We are not the same.

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We are not the same. I didn't buy BTC but I went for RIDE, there is more room for growth here and it is a metaverse token to watch out for.

I was asleep, god damn it...

Nothing atm. Im just setting my stables aside to mint some Honeyland genesis cards.

I am the only me here. We are not the same

Bought nothing.... My last purchase was AXL, a defi protocol, nft and metaverse. This is my play for the year. Hodl tight, wake me up when the bull returns.

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