I think I might have brain cancer...

I think I might have brain cancer, for 8 months now I've noticed my motor skills and coordination have been fucked and I've had this never ending pressure inside my skull and I've had a seizure twice during this time and things just get worse as time passes. I have no money to go to the doctor and I'd rather die than become a debt slave.

What a waste of 26 years of life.

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>I have no money to go to the doctor

Ah yes, america...

I'm sorry user

You have impacted ears retard

Don’t jump to the worst conclusion if you haven’t been diagnosed, I’m sorry you live in a shithole with no cheap access to medical care

you're constipated, eat grass, touch fiber, meds

Go to the emergency room. Tell them you are an illegal and have no social security number. Free medical care hack for the US.

No day alive is waste user. Go outside touch grass and feel the sun t stepdad died to cancer january

What country op? If you're AUS you would qualify for special emergency treatment. My brother had a similar condition, brain lesion resulting in MS. There are effective treatments like chemotherapy that you should be able to access in any western country. Also, no milk, no bread, no sugar. Eat all the eggs, meat and veg you want. My brother said the diet helped more than the chemo so take that for what it is. Good luck.

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Go to the doctor and not pay. It’s that simple

A friend of mine had his mother suffer from stomach cancer. Poor as fuck. Sold his car, house, worked hard, got into debt. Gathered up 80k.
He transferred his mom to Turkey and she had 2 surgeries and 1 year of chemo.

I don't know how poor OP is but considering average US yearly income is 70k I think there's hope.

did you get a vaccine?

are you fat? do you exercise?

Maybe you grind your teeth when you sleep. I've been doing it bad for like 12 years now and it can be debilitating, have to wear a mouthguard to sleep too. Similar symptoms but without the seizures

Sell your crypto and your problems will melt away

this is probably the worst thing about living in a third world shithole. getting financialy obliterated just to be able to get medical treatment

Just a reminder that America gives Izzrael 104 dolllars PER SECOND. Money they use to give free healthcare and free college for every single one of their citizens, while YOU, the one paying for it through stolen taxes, cant even afford to go the E.R. and go bankrupt if you do.

Whatever you think or believe about the Joos!, that is not right...that is pure evil. We wouldnt do that for Germany or Mexico or Spain or Africa.

we did do that for germany you dumb fuck. the marshall plan

I dont give a fuck who its for, its not right. Can you not read? You dumb nigger loving retarded faggot

>I have no money to go to the doctor
America fucking sucks

Go to a doctor and they should order an MRI of your brain. At least get an MRI to find out what it is.

>/qa/nigger is literal cancer
Checks out

What's 26 years on the eternal time scale? nothing.