Holy shit the banker made a manual error and accidentally deposited 37M in my account

Holy shit the banker made a manual error and accidentally deposited 37M in my account.
Should I go to Coinbase and buy a shitton of BTC and immediately put it in cold storage??

Attached: download (24).jpg (276x183, 6.35K)

It's not like they can reverse the tx once it's done
In minecraft

Wtf I love crypto

I saw this story on the news a few days ago. Yawn

You could try but you'll probably end up getting suicided by your bank.

where are you doing to flee to? have you looked over your options on what countries do not have a extradition treaty?

Monero and migrate

how does monero prevent the bank from knowing they mistakenly deposited 37M into your account? how fucking retarded are you?

but Any Forums said it was anonymous

I deposited a check I got in the mail for $1.32 but the bank gave me $1320. I deposited the cash and got a letter a few days later about the error and I had like 30 days to return the money before they would get the law involved.


All fields

no they didn't


In the hypothetical scenario where this happened to a person for real, they would go to jail. There's cases in real life where this happened and they always end with the client having to pay back or go to jail.

Doesn't matter what you do with the money. As soon as the bank sees a 37M red hole in your account, they will come ask for the money back.

Mayyybe you could withdraw like a thousand bucks over your original amount via an automatic payment to some company and if you report the rest of the money and act compliant they won't ask you for it. Maybe. Bank cashiers regularly get their ass chewed for 10 dollar mistakes so I doubt they would forgive you.

Realistically what would you do in this situation?
>buy a shitton of BTC, put it in a hardware wallet and hide it somewhere
>”oh sorry mr shekelstein it seems like someone had my bank information it wasn’t me who bought that crypto oh noooo. They also spent the $53 I had in my checking account so when you catch the guy could you give me back my money too?”
They literally can’t prove it was you. Fuck banks. If some nigger steals your debit card they won’t give you back Any of the money he spent with it. Why should you afford them the courtesy?

Also max sentence seems to be 10 years. Lol fuck it I would take that gamble. 3.7 mil/ year to fuck over some Jewish bankers. It’s a win/win

based, kikes deserve to pay

Nice bait thread

Buy 37 mil worth of monero then "lose the keys". Youll probably do 2yrs.

Their system doesn't allow them to do this.

>Monero and migrate
monero and get the fuck away from your country

>download (24).jpg (6 KB, 276x183)
Nice larp, retard. But let's humour this. Even if it was true those cunts would return for that money sooner or later.