Why hex is finished

Hex has been dumping for 8 months straight, all the hexicans have been buying "the dip" for 8 months straight, especially when Richard Heart was hyping up Pulse to definitely release in may, all the big buyers and small fish went all-in.

The only thing left now is big stakes ending every single day and they will dump hex to 0. We are witnessing the next Luna/Bitconnect in slow motion. Enjoy fellas.

Attached: hex.png (2000x1756, 196.28K)

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actually good hex post


U want Hex to dump so u can buy in cheap, don't you user.

No, I want all hexicans to kill themselves- those that won’t shall be poor forever.

Here’s a spoon feed for anyone reading this post. If you don’t understand it, you never will. Good luck: mobile.twitter.com/ShiftySheep/status/1529546209085599745

Your hex faggots all look the same

Stay poor. When hex goes in it’s run during a bear market and you miss it, I want you to think of my fucking your mother

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Dude just his giggly body language tells me he is going to pump the shit out of his own coin again and just sitting on it

All hex faggots make sure u pick the most painful way out it is the only way to atone for your retardation

That's what I thought. But almost 3 years and zero adoption, no exchanges, barely any new holders. He is more interested in running buying shit and claiming to be promoting, it's obvious his interest is dwindling. From his comments on Twitter I expect him to bail entirely in a few months entirely.

He did print a few green candles when bitcoin dumped during the luna crisis, but his buys got demolished by whales selling and the price is now at recent ATL.

hex dumping

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I sold everythng at 15 cents (bought at 1 cent)
I felt like a fool because i missed 50c
but now I feel good

Cucked his interest

good job

[Bitcoin and Eth] have been dumping for 8 months straight, all the [BTC/ETH maxis] have been buying "the dip" for 8 months straight, especially when [Vitalik] was hyping up Eth 2.0 to definitely release [somday], all the big buyers and small fish went all-in.


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I'm surprised Hex isn't below a penny after the absolute mogging Richard took from Eric Wall at the debate. From RH reaching out to Eric for advice on basic construction of the Hex project to Eric exposing the shady ties between RH and The Sens Foundation guy, it's clear Richard was caught off guard. Usually Richard tries to dominate the debate but Eric talked to him like a father scolding his son. And Richard's director shill faggot in the pink shirt kept interrupting to save his ass but couldn't stop the absolute rape that was happening, the whole thing was incredibly satisfying, seeing such a narcissistic guy be humbled like that.

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Why was Eric asking for Pulse at the end of the interview then

well that's ONE way to describe it. lol
you sound totally unbiased and objective though.