Next bullrun

>Next bullrun
Are retards this deluded?

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Yes you are this deluded

>no such thing as a market cycle

Are retards this deluded?

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are you saying there won't be another?

Yeah lmao. Most people don't realize or want to admit that this was it, almost 2 billion people are already in crypto. There won't be any more new buyers with actual power, only poorfags and latecomers are left.

>almost 2 billion people are already in crypto

How can someone be this stupid?

Delicious sweet cope. Sorry facts make you angry.

>2 billion people in crypto

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human civilization is pretty much done there's nowhere left to go

What do you mean my market moves in mathematical calculations and cycles you can calculate with a deep analysis?

Out of my ass!!

I know, I know. Nobody knows shit about fuck. Crypto is unpredictable as all hell so trying to guess when the next bull run will be is just that, guessing. But do you, fine gentleman, know when it will be?

It’s unlikely to be this tax year because of FED interest announcement is still coming. We also have no idea about what’s coming the corner in terms of world wars, pandemics etc. However crypto adoption is increasing and if anything, crypto being used to help Ukraine has pulled it even further into the public eye. So this could be a good year. Or a shit one. We can't know for sure yet

We just have to keep simple and follow Bitcoin halving cycles: 2024

It's so sad humans only live for a hundred years or even less. Tend to be impatient and is always so short sighted. Bullrun will come and it doesn't care about your opinion.

A lot is already happening this year. Enterprise platforms are coming up to draw in enterprises. One like Unido is almost already here.. New awesome projects are also coming and drawing in more funds. By 2024/25, the amount of liquidity around would make a massive pump for the halving.

As soon as I sell…

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Tbh, the later the better. Accumulation period is when you plant seeds and watch it grow later. That's why im betting on NFTs to be the main players in the next bullrun, it just feels right
look at it this way: tons of projects that aim to make nfts not completely useless (lovelace comes to mind) launching left and right, meta making billionaire investments on projects, the price for nfts mantaining something of a stability
it all adds up to show that nfts will be a major player

same for me, even arthur hayes knows it, and he used to fudd nfts to oblivion


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>nfts will be a major player
oh god in heaven i hope not