Why wouldn't a buy-back program work?

>Be the US Government
>Print unlimited money for COVID, Medicare/aid, UE, etc
>Send hundreds of billions of $ to Ukraine in a month
>"Buybacks would never work"

Seriously, what number would you need (per serial number) tax free to sell each of your guns back to the US Government a-la Australia?

Why don't more people focus on reducing gun-related suicides instead of homicides? The gun-related per-capita death rate *halved* in 2 years after the initial Aussie buy-back, isn't that important?

Attached: Gun_deaths_over_time_in_the_US_and_Australia.png (1857x1220, 185.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archives.gov/founding-docs/more-perfect-union#:~:text=a long way.-,The First Draft,result some 5 weeks later.

Fuck off if all guns are confiscated you will see real tyranny

100 BTC each

Do you really think the government is making policy action because they're worried about an armed uprising? C'mon man...

>sell your guns back
Fuck off, my right to arm myself doesn't come from a government, and I'm more than willing to remind them of that at 2300 feet per second.

It actually *literally* came from a government....

I'm still bleeding since I bought SWBI. I need a political rally to boost and dump my bags.

Attached: 1653409229847.jpg (468x288, 24.75K)


Show me where. I'll wait.

the military drones would *easily* quell any armed rebellion if it came to that

You do realize the $40 billion in aid you're paying to Jewkraine is in mostly gunz right? Or did you think they were going to throw wads of Benjamins at the ruskies?

archives.gov/founding-docs/more-perfect-union#:~:text=a long way.-,The First Draft,result some 5 weeks later.

the companies making the guns are getting paid in USD brother

I read that as real tranny

Urbanites never leave their cities and so they think the rest of the country is exactly like them because they have no frame of reference for anything else. There is an urban monoculture where they fly from city center to city center and celebrate the (superficial) differences between living in new york or chicago or LA or Seattle where the only real difference is which illegal immigrant ethnicity makes their food truck snacks for them. There was literally a survey done of urnanites where they had them estimate how much of each race lived in the country and they thought it was like 30% white 30% black, 20% asian and 20% other.

All this is to say that urbanites are ignorant of everything around them, and are unable to conceive of people living differently than them, having different circumstances, and definitely not having different morals. They have a deficit in their theory of mind, and they use projection to compensate for this.

Urbanites want to get rid of guns for everyone because they want to get rid of guns for blacks and mexicans and they don't want to be seen as racist. Outside of the urban centers american gun violence is on par with switzerland, one of the safest countries in the world. If gun violence is a problem where you live, you live in a city. Literally go ten miles outside of city limits and you will never experience it again.

Attached: birb bath.gif (250x250, 860.48K)

You mean soldiers or literal equipment like UAVs? Either way, just take a look at Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Your argument is a first draft that didn't get passed without heavy revision? Nothing in the document you linked addresses my point.

The link was meant to highlight that the constitution was drafted and iterated at a government meeting. Government officials decided what went in it. Including Article 2...

Drones need operators, which are humans, which report at a base
Drones need fueling, and maintenance, which is done by humans, which is done at a publicly known base
Drones can photograph, and can shoot (while they have ammunition left), but drones cannot stop people from gathering, meeting, sharing ideas.
Drones are a tool, not a guarantee. Much like firearms.

Just look at Australia?

if they weren't worried about an armed populace, they wouldn't be trying to take the guns.

A bunch of all bark cucks?

>Seriously, what number would you need (per serial number) tax free to sell each of your guns back to the US Government a-la Australia?
100 Millions USD, Barra bonds.

it would be some ridiculous number that would cripple the country if they printed it

Ya they worked so well against the Taliban

>Do you really think the government is making policy action because they're worried about an armed uprising?
No, I think depopulation is a lot easier when you little niggers dont have weapons.

Gun deaths in australia were already incredibly low, and a lot were suicide with "mass shootings" being killing your family. So people found other ways to kill themselves and arson went up as people lit their house on fire instead of shooting their family in their sleep.

jokes on you, i know the drone operator.

half is still half ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>the military drones would *easily* quell
Didn't you mutts get kicked out of Afghanistan? Drones need an operator, nigger.

From your own source
>He was concerned that a "bill of rights," ensuring individual liberties, had not been made part of the Constitution. Mason called for a new convention to reconsider the whole question of the formation of a new government.
Yell me, what is the difference between the words "ensure" and "grant"?

>All this is to say that urbanites are ignorant of everything around them, and are unable to conceive of people living differently than them, having different circumstances, and definitely not having different morals. They have a deficit in their theory of mind, and they use projection to compensate for this.
Thank you for posting this.

>Strict gun control with only a 50 percent drop in gun deaths
>Stops at 2012 before the auzzie nigger population reached critical mass
I audibly keked.