Monero beats Bitcoin because of ONE simple reason

Not because it works better and has privacy etc.
The real reason is the word "monero", MONEY + DINERO

1. Approximately 1.5 billion people speak English. English is the world's most widely spoken language but is unusual in the fact that the vast majority of speakers are not 'native'.
2. Over 572 million people speak Spanish worldwide, of which 477 million people are native speakers, according to a new report from the Spanish government's Cervantes Institute."

That's already 2 BILLION PEOPLE. Additionally there's like a billion Chinese people who can speak English.

The majority of people would not prefer the term "bitcoin" over "Monero", because MONERO sounds more natural and logical. Language changes gradually on the morpheme level:
Money >> Monero = "Yeah ok"
Money >> Bitcoin = "Wtf no that sounds made up, I want real money"

People are lazy and will always choose the easier option. Bitcoin is a futuristic and made up scifi-term that a regular goober can't get into.
A goober would, however, be into Monero, because "errmmm uuhh yeah that sounds like money to me". Monero even sounds like it could be a fucking meme word like Morbius.
Bitcoin sounds like nerdshit. Yes, millions of people use computers every day, HOWEVER, millions of people still think computers and "beep boop beeb boop" BYTECOIN are nerdshit.

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lol everyone just forgot that the glowies got to one of the XMR guys and he was let go? they've got a backdoor in that shit user.

Monero will be in the top 10 crypto market cap by Jan'23. Screenshot this.

>they've got a backdoor in that shit user.

What is open source code, retard?

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someone here is certainly retarded, we can agree on that much

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Skullface's monologue about language to snake in MGSV was not just a cool scene, the man was speaking truth.

The language people speak, the words they have in their vocabulary do much of the heavy lifting regarding how they think.

>It's backdoored!
>Where? The code is open source, you can look yourself.
>It... it just is okay!

>The source code that was unchanged after they couldn't arrest someone for not doing anything illegal has been tampered with.

baggies getting desperate

Bros, discard yar ideas. They're worthless. Join Pollen.

>First of its kind Circulated, next-gen index where the community holds all the power
>Sustainable, merit-based reward system

I'm up more than 20% just this week and yesterday was my single most protifable day mining thus far in 2022, what are you talking about?

>Skullface's monologue about language to snake in MGSV was not just a cool scene
The car ride?

yes, as well as some of the tapes. I went back and watched the car ride scene and I definitely confused some of what he said in the tapes being in that car ride monologue.

Language is the programming people use to think with, it makes some sense that people who speak different languages likely think about the world differently, beyond just the cultural/historical differences of where they live.

your whole OP could be summed up in one word
youre welcome

Unironically though, the fact that they nailed the naming of this coin is underappreciated. Literally the best possible name for a currency.

Words are out to get me.

It really be like that fag, systemd btw

Idk man Linux is open source and a team of researchers planted a backdoor because no one gives a shit

monero literally translates to coin in esperanto.
originally it was called bitmonero.
it was always supposed to

Monero is the only crypto project that is not an NFT