My lawyer showed up to court with cowboy boots, am i good or no

My lawyer showed up to court with cowboy boots, am i good or no

yes this is finance advice tranny mods

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It depends, what state are you in?

michigan, court starts at 9 am

You're probably fucked

i commited fraud this is the end tyrone is gonna fuck my ass now unless i pay my daily ramen tax

Is he just wearing boots and nothing else? You're probably fine

What kind of fraud? Tax fraud? Fake checks? Credit card?

made me kek in a stressed time, thanks user

ive done it all but at court the only things they know is refund fraud and business fraud sum total of 55k in 2 years

quit breaking the law, asshole

im trying to make it before 35 through and retire to travel all asia to fuck women

Which court Michibro? I'll drive there and distract everybody long enough for your lawyer to put some regular shoes on.

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How did you get caught? Bad opsec? Are you gonna get right back into the game when you are free? Pls tell me the full story user

hall of justice

cant tell full story because glowies watching

refund scamming got reported several times in my area and i got tracked through ONE email mistake, my proxy server wasnt on after that they found more info including business information stealing according to them

yes im doing the same shit different state i have 375k hidden im pretty sure i can travel and do it again

never trust a man with cowboy boots

can you explain how you justify the fraud to yourself? i assume you rip off regular people. I just want to know how you deal with it mentally

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>regular people
that is some indian spec op

whats your ethnicity user, be honest

im white with blond hair, have you gathered enough to report it or almost done

Gl user

rot in jail sub human

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Don't know. You should probably start LARPing as a woman though just in case.

Depends on the judge and how tall/attractive your lawyer is besides the boots.

Is it a jury trial? Liberals are stupid and shallow they have been taught to hate Whites who wear cowboy boots. So it depends on the jury makeup.