It's not fair

It's not fair.

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She sucked him off or something



Get over it

>Still underestimating simps

then become a bottle girl

>it's all unfair the money just dropped on her lap I could do that if I wanted to

Not really. Men are just simps. They would pay the money just for woman to have it.

The fuck is a bottle girl?

>Not fair
Well, women tutorial mode, you know the saying.

No rich faggot is paying bikini bar girls 3k to talk
Source: worked as a bouncer for 3 years

Life isn’t fair, get used to it

The codeword "blow" gives it away.

So instead they're paying $3000 for a blowjob?

What's it matter, it's fucking pathetic either way

Girls that are paid to be hot and provide bottle service in bars and clubs.

Do normies really? I would rather get all my teeth forcefully pulled out than tip some average Thot 3k lmao. I wouldn’t do shit like this even if I was a millionaire

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Yes, simps are pathetic

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Lol, no - most men are just simps. Pathetic really.

This. You don't even have to be flirtatious to get good tips from men, let alone suck his dick at the job lol.

she will probably waste it all on a resort vacation drinking all day out of boredom and be a wrinkly bartender before age 35

For them it might be worth $30, which is a good tip at a steakhouse or something. it is what it is. stack ya papuh mayne

you mean stripper?