If I had a coin for every time someone has called me retard, I’d have enough money to retire...

If I had a coin for every time someone has called me retard, I’d have enough money to retire, but unfortunately what I have is an expensive metaverse land that won’t be able to use until 2023 kek, ty rebase(d)

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>metaverse land that won’t be able to use until 2023 kek
How are you supposed to use a "metaverse land" I dont see any utility


hey i made my own metaverse, it has 10 trillion acres, I will trade my metaverse land for yours

If you had money to buy a "metaverse land" you'd had money to invest in something better and actually retire

I have some lands for you, all you have to do is strip naked and pick cotton you fucking nigger

based slavery, people could learn a thing or two from it

hey you shouldn't talk to me like that, I am going to become a billionaire with my metaverse idea

>ty rebase(d)
dropp has nothing based, much less its new name.

You don't see the utility because it depends on where are you buying a land. If you buy a land in rebase, well, you are supposed to earn NFTs from the NFTs that want to be sold on Rebase

Now you have to show us your skin color with timestamp or you're a retarded nigger

m,mmmm im going to come here and straight up lie about being a billionaire


in fact, the amount of money that can be earned with passive and active rebasing is absurd, they really take the economy with NFTs to another level.

it's a fucking metaverse, all metaverses are a fucking copy of minecraft and roblox. look at sandbox. rebase is the same, but this one copies pokemon go.

the jews buy up real land while you stupid fucking retarded niggers buy virtual land, honestly you deserve it

I don't have to do that.
If everyone on Any Forums made their own metaverse we could all become billionaires at the same time because each of our own metaverses would have a limited supply of land!

the vast majority of metaverse concepts I know of are a direct copy of pokemon, or a futuristic post apocalyptic world with lands in made up places. at least rebase has an original real world lands system.

the nobel of peace murdered by the metaverses, is the bad thing about being good in this cruel world.

There are several solanese NFTs that are currently worthwhile, for example the Solanese Cats, a new project with a lot of potential. Quality NFTs with good future earning potential, plus I like the sphinx cats.

NFT is gay

I've heard something about them... They're going to make a crypto game or something related to them?