Dividend stonks

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qyld in your roth. thank me later.

INTC and CWH are great

COP and DVN for oil exposure

CROX is looking mighty undervalued too

SCCO is a good commodity play too. They are almost paying 7% and are super undervalued

>undertaking downside volatility in the nasdaq in a bear market
DIVO is much better

reason? general economic downturn and therefore more ppl living in rvs?
>oil exposure
Do you think oil is not at the peak of the cycle?

cwh is about to get wrecked. they have doubled down on RV's. nobody is gonna be buying those things during a recession. I would wait because theres alot of downside with rising inventory.

Dividends are for entry level investors who don't realize they stunt growth.

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we're in a bear market you fucking idiot.
any gains ever, in any bear market ever, were attributed to dividends.


dividends beat all you moron. youre the newbie.

CWH is extremely undervalued and pay a giant dividend. Simple as

Oil is a great hedge in this market. Who cares if it is at the top, having oil exposure is a must in this market.

Its evidently priced in

>he doesn't know about Fama French Factors
>he doesn't know about HmL, QmJ, SmR (BaB) arbitrage arguments
>he doesn't know how to use leverage cheaply and effectively
Continue dumping money in SOXL i guess

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BTCY.B and ETHY.B. Yield for days

the dividend gathering cuck fears the commodity flipping chad.

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Kek looks shit

Yes I'll thank you later for watching my wealth vanish into thin air. Fucking retard.

oil the commodity is near its top but oil producing companies are priced based on time exposure to high commodity prices and will still have room to run for some time.

that said i have already cut my oil positions and wont get back in for the near term. currently mostly cash and iron ore producers. perhaps should have bet on rail though.

Virt, bur, bx
Qyldfags have no business giving advice


Nasdaq is a dumpster fire right now.

At least do DIVO

BPT has been doing great for me, but it's only good when oil prices are high and it's also a royalty trust so that might have tax implications for ameriburgers

Zim is jewish shipping. Highest dividend out there. Most profitable shipping company in the world

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ok ill trust pol retards over myself.

no thanks. stay poor losers.

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>Inspect element
Wow you're so cool and smart user

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cope and seethe

If you are exposed to Nasdaq, you will continue to get fucked and the 12% dividend won't do much to save you.

You are much better off doing DIVO.

USOI as well
Get you a piece of all of the credit suisse dividend etns.

I specifically mentioned roth ira. There is one particular reason why you would put qyld in your roth and no where else.

few understand this.

Dividends are good for taking a year or more off.