Daamnn im tired of looking at charts every single day waiting 4 something to change...

daamnn im tired of looking at charts every single day waiting 4 something to change, pls do the boring researching part 4 me and tell me what should i invest in

Attached: 283320602_1948487665353633_1064829824595613415_n.jpg (750x699, 88.75K)

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nice pic OP
gave me a chuckle


Greek philosophy is stolen from India


lol ok ranjeet, you guys don't even have toilets yet

cope mutt


>indian inventions
>Ctrl + F "designated shitting streets"
>0 results

yea real accurate list there lmao

Prandeep take the fucking poo to the loo


Attached: poonisher.jpg (282x179, 6.34K)

easy one OP, invest in GNS.
short summary:
>It has a good product that is making money even during a bear market like right now
>the dev refunds people if they find a bug on the platform and threw some of his own stack of the coin to refill the vault recently
>Good updates will be coming in the next month like single sided staking (the staking money comes from revenue generated by the platform)
>currently only on polygon but will be going multichain over time (releasing on arbitrum next)
>cheap right now due to some hiccups of the platform which scared some people away but he is fixing it
>the platform is a decentralized leverage trading system
>leverage trading can still be profitable during bear markets, so there is still plenty of traders using it and refilling the vault after the LUNA fiasco killing some of the vault
The best metaphor for what you would be investing in is: the platform is a casino and buying the token gives you a portion of the revenue of said casino.

If some of those Greeks fuckers were alive they would tell you to go for Mist from smartBCH for sure

>stolen from india
No. Egypt maybe. Borrowed perhaps. Improved upon definitely.
Asia is gay. You're so scared of social mobility proving your retardation you have to enforce a caste system.

Not all of it, mainly Pyrrho.


which was created by aryans who invaded india

Best thing user is to earn passively with gems like AXL that offers a fixed 55% yield on their launchpad. Than staying glued to your screen.

> daamnn im tired of looking at charts every single day waiting 4 something to change
Try this approach then OP: youtube.com/watch?v=s9_xP5GoG2M

You forgot to add shitcoin name
Do it yourself faggot, on picrel

Attached: Precog Finance (tickr PCOG).jpg (680x680, 51.67K)

greeks were some of the biggest eugenicists and class enforcers, spartans literally would not compromise and couldnt replace themselves in birth rates

Cryptoxpress is a good project that you can invest on at the moment.
It has a lot of utility with token burn mechanism that will help increase the its token's value

$ D O G E - 1
140k, listed.
Elon is going to tweet about the Doge-1 launch soon. A solid 20x is definitely possible.

shitcoins are the way to make it, you'll grow old before any of the coins shilled here make you a 2x gain on your $100 investment.

i fucking hate shits, they suck with no fundamentals...
now for me it's ALBT over any fucking shits...

I like using its NFTs marketplace because it powered by polygon. I'm looking forward to its metaverse banking feature