You realize btc and eth could drop in value 99.99% in one day like Luna did right?

You realize btc and eth could drop in value 99.99% in one day like Luna did right?

Attached: bobo-reads-newspaper-thumbnail.jpg (200x191, 8.46K)

i hope so.

If all the cryptofags roped, Any Forums would be a much better board

I'm a bear, but even I am not that delusional

The thing you shitecoiners dont seem to understand is that the majority of people dont know what crypto is, and the majority of those who do know what crypto is only know bitcoin, shitcoiners are extremely niche.

Explain how

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>bitcoins drops to $0.0001
>i buy millions of bitcoins
Where's the downside?

I'm a cryptofag but it would be nice to see discussions involving stocks, bonds, and proper tax deductions

Bitch please, don't compare zoomer shitcoins to OG fucking non exploitable blockchains. Go study newfag

is that bald and bankrupt?

I hope so. Cant wait to add thousands of btc in my portofolio for pennies

Not could. Will.

Ah yes the btc and their famous one man foundation

There's a few more -99% downsides when the actual value is $0

Nah, he's not fucking young Russians.

im bobo too but thats a shit comparison, trillions of luna were printed in a few days

Everything can do that
The world is a theater
You aren't in the audience

you probably think diamonds are valuable, while fatties place value on unlimited McDonald's and pallets of soda

yes it will drop btc $900

ETH yes, BTC no.

Btc is too mainstream now.
I know you boboniggers get overly euphoric and delusional but realistically the absolute bottom BTC can go is 15k at best.
Way too many normies are aware and invested.

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