FTM Fantom


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boring af
wen $1?

Yeah I’m thinking we’re back

In the end, he couldn't be without us.

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My dog just took a shit in my room right before I saw this thread.

Is he back or what?

> I bought at 2.00

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I bought in

I told /biz to slurp. It’s like most of anons hate making money nowadays.. Theres like 5 seething threads of people who didn’t listen and are priced out or getting liquidated shorting.

How high can Fantom go long term

Convert your FTM to Tomb, it's at 0.42 or something right now against fantom, at least you can double your FTM once it's at peg again.

I'm thinking like 8-10 dollar, that would put us at Avax range.

I have 8k link and 50k Fantom. Should I sell the rest of my Fantom for more Link?

>pls buy more tomb bags bro pls my tshares havent been printing my neet lifestyle isnt so neat please oh please whale of whales, whailord. harry, HARRY, buy my bag think about it ill get more t shares if you do.

The seething comments are the saddest thing on this board. I don't give a fuck about the utility of coins. I care about making money with crypto and nothing else.


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Oh no no no no Fantom trannies were right all along

It's like you hate free money lol

I bought way too much fucking Scream hoping Andre and the foundation pump my bags. Like I'm near the top of the 1st page of holders. Pls Andre you bastard I'll forgive you for all of your rugs if you pump my bags one last time

I remember buying this at $0.21... holding this when the price hit $3.43 and still holding this now... fucking kill me

Oh no no no Fantom trannies were right all along