How does it feel holding something that never pumps? Frustrating? Demoralizing even?

How does it feel holding something that never pumps? Frustrating? Demoralizing even?

Attached: CryptoMode-chainLink-Price.jpg (1920x1080, 72.57K)

Which are u feeling right now?

Why do you care about our feelings so much? Make another 1000 threads and maybe my feelings would change.

>mon dieu! le prix de Chainlink!

Ah, another thread about chainlink.

You tell us user, as we all know you hold link

OG linkies paid sub 20c for their LINK in 2018. So a 35x+ in 4 years is pretty fucking good.

It'd feel pretty bad, except I get all this attention from people who aren't holding a coin that never pumps. It really helps me out knowing I can pop on Any Forums and talk to someone about Chainlink's lack of price action at any time, day or night, even on the weekends. It helps me vent, you know?

Single digit Link just feels right, like that's the price it should have, you know? The marketcame together and agrees

This, without all the FUD threads to remind me how much you want me to sell, I probably would have sold. Now if there was radio silence on Any Forums about Chainlink over the last 3 years I'd probably have started questioning my decisions but thanks to these threads I've developed a level of schizophrenia making me literally incapable of selling. I would sooner die than sell my LINK and I fear (((they))) are aware of this and mass assassination of linkies is their next stratagem. Just know my house is booby trapped to the gills and I've enough ammunition to take out squads of glowies, I never even leave my room and Ive got 2 monitors dedicated to camera feeds. (((Your))) move.

we've already made our move. Look behind you.

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I feel... how to say... betrayed?

honestly it makes it the most useful crypto because it remains roughly the same

It helps when you know the reason why Link never gets to pump, regardless of news, adoption, fundamentals, etc.

>35x+ in 4 years

Nice try but an IR sensor would have been triggered if anyone was on my property, unless the wallaby I saw 1/2 hour ago was actually a robot with C4 attached to it's belly I'm sure I'm safe.

wait, why?

>imagine not knowing

just get high and play xbox

Twitter link fags have started door dashing lmao

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You tell us. you are holding it too

It's not a side hustle if you don't have a job

I’m not selling even if it goes to zero. Fuck off.