What ban on abortion really cause depression in red states?

What ban on abortion really cause depression in red states?

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Abstinence works

Don't educated, ambitious, career-oriented women take birth control pills and only have sex with guys who wear condoms?

Oh no the blue hairs will all leave the red states whatever will we do


Literally just don't have unprotected sex, it's that simple.
Also not killing unborm humans is more important than brain drain.

This man is a premier example of woke beta male phenotype, competing with other stereotypical alpha males via subversion and feminine socializing.

>Oh look another Any Forumsfag thread
Stay poor and fuck off

>the damage child support laws will do is incalculable. What educated career ambitious man is going to relocate to a state where an office Christmas party could mean his financial enslavement?
Also lel if you're career ambitious and still trying to fuck at your office Christmas party. Literally first rule don't shit where you eat

it'll cause women to rethink their slut phase XD tehe

Interesting take

>going to an office Xmas party can mean her enslavement
took me a while to figure out what this meant

Sad motherhood is now thought of as enslavement, no wonder birth rates are plummeting. Yet strangely, being chained to a desk for 50 years of your "career-oriented" life is considered empowering.

It might further the divide between men and women, leaving red states full of single fighting-age males with hunting experience with zero attachments and cities full of women and wimpy men who think words = violence.
It would be funny if the results of that sort of thing aren't so horrifying. Bread and circuses really need to be restored and the economy stabilized for safety reasons.

People are empowered by choice

>her enslavement
is natural
>his enslavement to child support and alimony and institutionalization laws
are not natural

>Red states lose the office sluts who were probably getting carried in their career anyways

They can have em


ALSO @'ed her and called her a nigger

praise me

imagine thinking that working in an office 40 hours a week with people who have no interest in you other than your transaction value is more fulfilling than creating and nurturing human life

>educated, ambitious, career-oriented woman

Attached: I shouldn't be alive.jpg (1600x1200, 346.86K)

>career oriented
you are a dog of the state

Yes. Neolibs will continue to seethe eternally.

Who? Why would I bother reading this?

But see, you can't have an office Xmas party unless a coworker is rawdogging you.