My parents are loner hermits with fringe views that pushed away all relatives “always other ones fault“

My parents are loner hermits with fringe views that pushed away all relatives “always other ones fault“

They neglected me & are codependent and I spend every day trying to fix and scrap together all the damage and shortcomings, they are not even aware they have done

I escaped the codependency for the most part and basically cut them off. Is this the right decision for me?

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Sorry to hear that op. Is it possible to have a normal relationship with them and boundaries

How tough?
When I was NEETing I could tolerate the situation and not be so hard on them

Now that I am basically hyperoptimzed my life trying to catch up and make anything undone I can’t even bring up the empathy to relate or listen what the have to say to me…

Sounds like you are a leftist pussy who was pushed out of your parents basement at 35

cant wait till retards like you have kids and realize how much of faggot you sound
on the second thought, kys faggot

they sound caring, whiny cunt

Yeah, it's all their fault, sure.

You gotta watch out. Its hard when you're an adult to remember the good parts, and there is still a good chance that they gave you a better upbringing than they got themselves. Even if it is still shit.

Hollywood did its best to brainwash us into believing we should have been raised in some special magical way. But its the same peddled BS like all the rest that comes out.

They sound pretty based to me, op is a faggot

>loner hermits
>fringe views
Jesus Christ how horrifying, do you even know where you are?
Cool buzzword, it literally means nothing
>Is this the right decision for me?
Probably, you can now suck as much cocks as you want, you stupid lefty homo

>always other ones fault
so like you

t. OPs dad

It’s easy to talk shit here
But being stripped away of your own agency, never be able to develop one in the first place is detrimental

Surely I am the only doomer here absolutely justed by lack of guidance

I know it's hard OP. You absolutely can have a shit upbringing. It absolutely can make looking in the mirror difficult. You can be ill-prepared for life's challenges. There isn't a single person who doesn't wish their parents weren't a little more accepting, or a little more loving, or a little more supporting.

It's normal to be critical of your parents. Check out picrel.

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OP, I'm sorry but your post is basically
>these people suck, let's throw them under the bus
You have to realize that most people suck and that those people are someone's parents.
Then you also have to realize how much you will suck as a parent (I'm not sure you can become one lol) and you'll probably start regretting your decisions

That's all assuming you're right in your assessment which I doubt btw

Fixing your life takes years of effort I have found. One step after another just keep chipping away

>But being stripped away of your own agency, never be able to develop one in the first place is detrimental
>waaaah, its mommy and daddys fault im a retard that couldnt develop correctly
confirmed faggot. i can see why your parents would neglect you. i would too if you were my man child.

if they don't affirm the value of trans black bodies that is a major oof from me, sweetie

slaaaaaaaayyyyy OP, teach those fascist chuds a lesson

Your parents sound based and you are likely the problem.

idk whats worse, the lack of agency or the infantilization. good on you for getting out, the longer you lack agency, the easier it is for them to treat you like a baby

Kek you white-knighted for faggot OP and he still mass-replied you as being a loser.

They sound based