Name a more toxic community

Name a more toxic community.

Attached: Ethereum.png (1920x1080, 24.85K)




>>Any Forums

Any Forums

>Any Forums
rent free in your head, tr00n

mETHheads are the smartest people in crypto, cope.

Yeah eth maxis became too insuffrable, borderline clinically insane

Legit comical how little self-conscious they've, I can't go an hour without seeing a prominent .ETH rant about X on twitter. It's probably because ETH stopped innovating+taking turtle steps in implementation of simple things, I can understand the frustration and defensiveness tho, Their whole existence is 100% relied on third parties work on ZKrollups and dev team that consider ETH as doomed long term due to crippling complexity, Even the network effect argument card barely hold these days (Network robustness is at point which it can and will be rivalled+ Applications monopoly isn't longer valid due to EVM space and bridges) so their only work as a community is fudding 24/7 everything that's existential threat to them because ETH is in stagnation mode while the others are hungry.

(some) smart people with heavy biases and probably underlying sociopathy, That's a dangerous combo

I'm retarded and invested in ETH

Realizing your retarded makes you the one-eyed king in the land of the blind.

you know who


what does the word ethereum even mean... gay?

kek, rent free in yours it seems, none of the other communities seethed

The Linkies just haven't arrived yet


I can't.

Attached: 1546722603854.jpg (480x360, 20.28K)

Fiat kikes

it's definitely got the most embarrassing community of any non-scam crypto but the desperate attempts to push obviously fake narratives like "ultra sound money" for a premined coin make the whole thing smell like one

Eve Online. There, I win.