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they just posted a full video of jonny's talk recently

Using linkpool data as a proxy for all node revenue and using the 2021 120mm figure were looking at something like 18 bucks per link per year
The market is truly fucking retarded


Attached: 1574024445123.jpg (400x400, 38.21K)

checked and based

Market sleeping on 200% percent yield?

Attached: 1572095704166.jpg (588x391, 60.67K)

Until the new is up and shows us actual real data I refuse to believe this is true. Are you seriously saying there is $18 billion in network fees annualized?

Will I be able to stake without LPL?
Global insurance fund?

Staking will be announced during consensus 2022 in 19 days. I need money.

Totally believable and sustainable. Totally not a ridiculous pyramidal scheme.

Attached: 1492830161746.png (600x497, 7.97K)

Why number up?

>pyramidal scheme
Wrong shape, retard.

Non dilutive yield with less than 10% total value capture of the network yet achieved

Assuming 50% of 2021's monthly growth rate projected to mid 2022
Then looking forward 12 months with another 50% decrease in growth rate
And 425mm link staked
Rest in amms, cexs, cold storage

Yield higher if the link node bootstrap wallet is used to subsidize initial staking returns

Since you aren't showing the math directly, I'll ask very plainly. $18/LINK/year distributed to 425mm staked LINK would be $7.65 billion a year in fee revenue. Do you believe this is where we are currently at?


Did you read my post about assumptions or just begging for dopamine?

Best part is the whole space is so demoralized to yield from the luna ponzi that they wont believe it when the first month's staking rewards print
And they really wont believe it when DONs start getting paid for ccip and start significantly outperforming these estimates

There will be a period of literal months where the price of link is below its projected annualized staking returns
Never doubt the power of the markets stupidity

20k link daily rewards. Do the math yourself, retards. Apy will be less than 1%

>begging for dopamine?
You seem to be under the impression I just want to hear a big number. I'm asking to see actual math and your assumptions are based on a single node with an unknown market share and a volatile LINK token price (as well as a chart that isn't even fucking labeled, I'm assuming the left vertical axis is "LINK token rewards per week" based on the resolution of data points). I don't know why you can't just show me some basic math instead of vaguely alluding to the assumptions you are making and then giving the end result. I seriously doubt the $18/LINK fee revenue figure, that level of fees would have so much buy pressure that I don't even think we could sustain a $7 token price like this even with market panic.

>Assuming 50% of 2021's monthly growth rate projected to mid 2022
That would imply trillions of TVS. Are you actually retarded? Defi is dead and we are far from enterprise adoption

Ive literally given you all of the assumptions you need for the math except the annualized revenue growth during 2021 which is publicly available.

It sounds like youre not only not smart enough to do the math yourself, youre also trying to get someone smarter than you to do it for you.

Die in a fire nigger

>show me the math
>i feel like 7$ us still too much
oh where is your math on your feelings

I'm losing hope, will I make it with 30k LPL and 10k LINK?

what are the slurps per 1000 now?
i am 4000 messages behind, hope i didnt miss anything important

Add a few more zeros and ride the wave it’s a new paradigm this time
Paper agreements < Trustless agreements
We are going to witness the largest transfer of wealth in history from traditional finance to cryptographically secure marketplaces. I’m so excited for you guys.

>no liquidity
what's the point of this coin going $1000 before link if you can't sell without 99% slippage?