GNS: what went so wrong?

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seb being shit at risk management. but if this thing survives and changes are made so this can't happen again, i'll hop back in. hopefully its sub 50c in a few weeks/months

you get what you deserve shill

I was told the volume was at ath and we would rocket to $10 what happened

im not following the telegram, is seb ok sirs? does he have ze plan for dai vault?

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It looks dead desu

you bought something called "gains network" thats what happened

>What went wrong?

It ain't Unidex

Seb - I have a full model that solves the risk management for the trading platform and keeps it competitive, working hard on the smart contracts update which should be ready within one month (as it requires an audit).

The highest priority is the risk management on gTrade so that fees keep getting generated with a very limited risk.

Right now we've completely limited the risks by raising spreads, limiting max OI per pair, delisting volatile pairs.

This update should allow us to relist everything and lower spreads, without increasing the risk. It should also allow us to offer low leverage, and maybe even remove the profit cap per trade over the long term.

Big things are coming guys, we're working harder than ever and ready to tackle every challenge between us and our vision

I heard Seb got the monkeypox. It's over bros...

>big things are coming

Send help please I am going bankrupt

Ser kindly buy $1000 per coin is sure just called elon and he will give us pump to mars ser now make buy!

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Each pair should have its own pool to take winnings from and limited exposure to the rest of the site

wtf happened to most of the crypto pairs?

Price will go up, it's is a great profit generating asset. Dev has big plans coming soon.

I am buying a lot soon, I know that this is a pontential promising project. I love Gains Network and GNS token.

>big plans
>coming soon

>max collateral slashed again to 35k
>fuckton of delisting
This shit is dead isn't it? What's a good alternative? For the first time I was making money.

Hes always spoke in the plural. He also has people working for him.

>he always spoke in the plural
>not we always spoke in the plural
ESL ranjeesh fuck off back to your scamagram

Cringe, try harder