I am trans and I just bought 10 million LUNA

I am trans and I just bought 10 million LUNA.

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Massive sell signal

I aint gay, but I did just buy another 1m Luna

i too am transitioning to a millionaire

Yes! Based lunasister!

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Gunna kill yourself twice

YWBAW if you burn it rn

YWNBAW But I hope you make it, everyone is a person and they deserve to make it y0TTJ

You wanted two reasons to hang yourself?!

show boipucci

You'll never be a woman but before you hang yourself at least you'll be wealthy.

Transition surgery status: secured

Shut up bitch I already made that joke go rope yourself you poor boy faggot

Dam the fud is getting thin when they go to tranny. It's al up from here

>I am trans-ACK!

Attached: 1649389185648.gif (450x450, 3.93M)

It oumped to .00016 whats happening?

Whales with millions getting shaken out, which needs to happen before we can really moon.

>Love live luna

Look at the fucken price lmao sell hoes and buy back in later

i am normal and i just sold 10 million LUNA

Thats LUNAcy!

One more reason to rope and join the 42%, good on ya.