Algorand governance voting Measure released

Remember that you need to waste 10 seconds of your life the next month to vote (one click) to get your governance rewards, this always filter most of you autistic retards.
>Option A: Granting governor status and twice the voting power to qualified DeFi projects as described below, whilst maintaining the same governance rewards program to Algo holders that commit for the governance period.
>Option B: Keeping the status quo, awarding governor status only to Algo holders that commit for the governance period, and to no other group.

Attached: algo.png (250x250, 3.22K)

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Vote B
Fuck defi. Fuck projects. Fuck niggers
Power to the algochads who commit.

I forgot to sign up in time

You had 4 fucking weeks lmao

Aren’t there 2 measures/ votes this time around?

There are 2 measures guys.
Anyways im voting 1.B 2.A
fuck niggers

Attached: 1614588530110.png (530x484, 213.53K)

What is the second one?

go have a look

1.B 2.A it is.
fuck niggers too.

I'm voting for C


Where my 1. B 2. A chads at??

Attached: Algobussy.png (1843x1382, 512.26K)

Please help new fren. I have Algo staked on CB. What does this mean for me?

Algorand takes adoption seriously, so out-rewarding its own ecosystem is terrible for long term adoption. I don't know why you are invested if you don't share that vision, explosive price increases only happen with more TVL. I'd vote A.

if defi "projects" want twice the voting power, they can buy twice the Algo and pump my bags

>I have Algo staked on CB. What does this mean for me?
That you are a fucking idiot and coinbase has been stealing your rewards giving you peanuts in exchange. But your bag is probably pretty small if you don't knew it so don't do nothing.

>low rewards
So, how do I get better rewards?

Should I purchase 100k Algorands? Will I be permitted to dress like a German gentleman if I do?

Put your algos in the pera wallet and commit to governance next round

Attached: algorand.png (1834x1080, 2.39M)

A is going to win because those DeFi projects are effectively whales rn and they control the vote.
Additionally... its not necessarily a bad idea. It incentives the creation of new defi projects so that governance isnt compromised. That will drive up the price of the coin and make the community stronger.

if it goes again under $0,4, go for it.
Extremly good entry point and It will go to at least $1 eventually.

Top 15 wallets in governance are exchanges (Coinbase and binance mostly). They will vote more rewards and less effort for them, no defi community bullshit.

Who gives a shit. I have just 700ish ALGO for the long hold. I'll wait 20 years I don't give a shit.