Jeff almost dies last night

>Jeff almost dies last night
>no one is talking about it
I know it's Jeff but come on.

Attached: Screenshot_20220318-112002_YouTube.jpg (2280x1080, 770.51K)

not really dude

Watch it again. He was plummeting straight down on his head and just barely managed to rotate at the last second. He doesn't usually do it like that.

>Watch it again.
Yeah, let me just rewatch this webm you helpfully provided.

webm it i didnt watch

The picture isnt moving

They are killing open source webm makers for reasons

It's on Youtube.

Attached: 1646839978883.png (512x468, 163.01K)

FFmpeg is still up. That's all you need.

No. No clicks for your yt.

I'll take your word for it

>day 2 in all debut wrestling
>nearly kills himself
Many such cases!

are you new to swanton bombs?

the guy was out of position and jeff couldn't be assed to rotate in the air so he just crushed him

You're in a cult

It's on the AEW YouTube, stupid.

Matt looks closer to death here than Jeff

Thats normal. He did the exact same swanton when he debuted

Not working

told ya reasons

again, are you new to swantons?

Attached: jeff swaton.webm (640x360, 150.67K)

That was literally almost a perfect swanton wtf are you talking about

the only one close to dying was the Private Party guy taking Lardy's ass directly to his chest
I'm pretty sure you're supposed to land with your upper back on the guy and roll off sort of, not just plop down on him

Jeff's too broken down to take the bump himself, he has to do it that way.

fortunately the recipients are all marks for him so they're happy to take it

e-drones are so fucking pathetic that they have to try and create fake injuries because they can't think of anything else to fucking complain about that hasn't been said by them 9000 times already