Only child, no wife, no kids and I am about to put my inheritance ($950k) in BTC (70%) and Monero (30%)...

Only child, no wife, no kids and I am about to put my inheritance ($950k) in BTC (70%) and Monero (30%). Wish me luck bros.

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>Monero (30%)
Enjoy not making any money, crabcoin

Buy dividend stocks like schD, urnm or T you fucking retard. You could have unlimited money forever

Get the priest in here to consecrate this shit and someone get the funeral parlor on the line

wait for btc to hit 10k retard

Put 150k in gold and silver… then do what you are going to do with the rest

Same vibe

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Should I enter now or wait couple of months if it reach 17k?
kek my retirment plan it's a shot in my head so it's all or nothing
I'm constanly moving so where do i store it safetly?

Please dear god do not fall for the le gold and le silver meme

Honestly just open a leveraging account and let me tell you what to do, can literally make 500k+ per trade.

Only buy monero if you're actually going to use it

just check up on crypto/bitcoin once a week until the end of the year

based, but monero will keep bleeding, 1% is enough for vpns, drug, domain names, web services, etc

good move if you can bare to be a wage slave for another 10 years. if it were me, i'd at least buy a little house somewhere for like $150-200k paid in full just so you never have to worry about that again. then if the plan works out, sell it and move into a mansion of your choosing in 10 years.

This post was written by demon hands

Don't you think it's cool that if you 20x a mil then every 2.5% movement is $500,000?

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Then forge the silver and just buy gold. Get 50k worth. You can for that much in your pocket.

Don’t listen to the other faggot. You NEED to have some gold. Gold is savings and if there is a monetary reset you’ll make it just off that.

You have a lot of fucking money. Pretend it’s 850k instead of 950k which is still a shit load… and keep that 50-100k in gold as a backup plan.

Unironically chad folio. I'd put some more in monero tho

no wife, no kids. no purpose in life NGMI

Wifes and kids is a literal waste of time, you only have one life

Thanks user. I'm looking long term and I'm convinced that btc will surpass the market cap of gold in the next 15 years. $30k btc seems cheap when compared to the market cap of gold. So maybe I'll throw a bit on the boomer rocks, but once the store of value loses appeal the only thing left is its industrial value which will decline significantly. And I know, it sounds retarded, but after reading Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions I feel that we are still at the beginning of a paradigm shift on the concept of money and wealth.

This bull run did not feel like the others, there were no large scale suicides, people did not go crazy mortgaging their homes and borrowing money to buy bitcoin. The only thing different is that companies like tesla got into the game to test the liquidity of the market, there was a huge flow of money because of the pandemic, but it was not something out of the ordinary, it did not even reach 100k.

99% of the cryptocurrency "ecosystem" is crap, but the idea of digital scarcity is here to stay.

>no purpose in life
Good projection

It's comfy af ngl

Based portfolio honestly

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100% monero is the only GMI choice. The relentless FUD against it should be all the proof you need