Baby formula "shortage"

>baby formula "shortage"
>parents allegedly hysterical
>still haven't figured out how to make their own
corn syrup, onions protein, vegetable oil, and a multivitamin. blender. add water. done

why are people so stupid? just read the ingredients list on the back. are there special regulations preventing me from opening a formula company?

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>why are people so stupid?
They've been domesticated by modern society

Make your own small supply to sell to dumb parents.

>feeding corn syrup to a baby
Do SSRI mother's really?

>put baby’s mouth next to nipples
>it sucks
Problem solved. Why are modern women like this?

How did babies survive before baby formula?


it's called eugenics, stop caring about shit that doesn't impact you yeh drama queen.

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Imagine feeding literal poisons and industrial waste to your infant child

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If the mother isn't already breastfeeding it's likely they stopped lactating.

People used to eat much healthier food and women could produce enough milk

That’s cause they never fed the kids to begin with, and with that, they gimed their kids. A woman can lactate indefinitely if she pumps.

This alone is responsible for 99% of crime/mental illness/school shooters.

Formula was unheard of before 1960s

Do you really want stupid people trying to mix their own homemade formula to feed to their infant?

not only that but non breast fed babies end up with uglier facial features on average compared to breast fed ones

This my girl is borderline retarded and insists on only using formula and not breast feeding even though she's producing milk. She doesn't work tho so she doesn't give a fuck where the money for fomula comes from and is to stubborn to listen to logic.

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>Why are modern women like this?
They were men just a few years ago, be patient

another Any Forums reject thread

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I am in Chainlink primarily for the breastmilk. I will collect a harem of virgin women (16+ you creeps) and put them on a specialized diet and training regimen. Then comes the drug regimen. About six months of taking combined estro/progestro birth control, whichever has the memiest name or Yaz if nothing stands out. No placebo, just taking the active pills every day. In addition, they will take domperidone and reglan. At the six month mark the birth control will be abruptly stopped while the domperidone is continued and they will start to pump. Eventually they will be producing 2L of milk per day, gradually work up to 3L. This is typically the limits I've seen, so beyond is my science experiment for the battle of the tittiest. The Bottom 50% will be cut from the program and we will start mixing it up with drugs, diet, etc.. I continue to cut. Finally I am left with the triumphant tiddie trio who become my milk partners. They will remain virgins and exist solely to provide milk, at least a gallon per day each. All verified and brought on-chain with Chainlink. What I don't use is made into soap, ice cream, cheese or something elaborate like milk baths. Never again shall women that refuse to breastfeed will have their children starve. Never again shall women feed her children onions formula.

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doesnt milk come from the booba???

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My sister used to give my niece formula because my sister is a shameless welfare leech and the government gave her formula for free, even though she wasn't working at the time and could have breastfed if she wanted to.

They still can. Anywhere in the world.
But the human body is funny. If you stop milking, the milk stop being produced. So baby formula makers send free samples to new mother's, just enoght to dry the found, and them they are forced to buy formula.

Bro you need to convince her to become a naturalist hippie somehow so she gets into it.

when whaman stops having tittie milik,
mother finds a man, and puts baby on mans penis to suck and feed,
thats the way jews do it right?

breast milk, supplemented with beer and runny porridge made from flour