Fuck it bois, I'm out. sold all my cryptos. I'm dumping everything I have left into a degree in coding

Fuck it bois, I'm out. sold all my cryptos. I'm dumping everything I have left into a degree in coding.

I finally am free of the chain of constantly watching the market.

I might post here again in a couple years when I am making $200K+ /year

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 10.57.15 PM.png (1352x1356, 2.33M)

Yea man I’m sure you’ll see 200k+ with your awesome jQuery and Bootstrap skills.

Coding is more difficult than day trading.

>Growth stocks collapsing
you were ngmi

my cousin programmes jquery and he has his own business... drives a bmw, no lie

I did this and currently make 100k a year on my second year in. That being said you’re retarded and that course won’t even bag you 20k a year.

>fullstack JS web developer

I've been down this rabbit hole. Look at how many alumni get jobs in tech with that.

> no durgasoft
> no java
1/3 slightly needful

is his business an OF account bc jquery is not de wey

I don't know what fullstack js is, but I can learn something like c++ or something.

I just need to be free of this market watching constantly.

MSU is a pretty reputable school in my area, if they say jquery and css, or whatever will help me, I am inclined to trust them.... I have spent too much time trusting NEETS on this board telling me to buy dog coins and silver.

he toldme it was jquery or something... I don't really know the terminology. but something with websites and HTML or whatever.

>I'm gonna cooooood
That's what I'd fall back on in case this crypto shit didn't work out. Probably call my boss a nigger at this rate.

>dog coins
first mistake
>precious metals
second mistake

how you enjoying that ETH?

What you're talking about is somehow worse than a scam tech boot camp or an associates in CS.
Too long, too expensive, too basic, no credentials.
Do a free course on odinproject, pay $300 for a java dev certification through Oracle or something and then work on getting at least an associate's degree in CS.

I got my job with 0 certificates or credentials and a really strong portfolio. So if you learn the different tech stacks and how they work its a good economy. That being said this guy doesn’t even know what full stack means or any sysadmin stuff so he’s ngmi

Good points and it reminds me to mention one more thing for OP.
Even though these courses are beginner level you need to be very proactive about actually learning it. It's very easy to lose information and create gaps in your understanding if you only have your coursework to go off of.

im going this route, though the calling of a computer science degree is beconing me since im 20 and had no luck getting a job in that verticle. im competent in html, css, php, sql and all those basic but my current stack is
for a project im building using CMV (in the upper order respectively). i feel like im getting curb stomped in the brain whenever i try and get the controller to play nice with the other two, bouncing through documentation is a nightmare

Fags are still teaching jQuery and bloatware bootstrap to normies. KEK

I’m 20 also. I’d move away from php and focus on either ruby, JavaScript or python. Your Stack isn’t really a deciding factor If you can write good code. I was a python and MySQL stack until I got my job and I wound up switching to Postgres and nodejs. Don’t get caught up in learning frameworks but learning solutions instead. They want someone who can pseudo code and plan out something and then use the right frameworks around the idea. Also don’t be afraid to copy and paste working code, some people call this cheating but seasoned devs call it pattern programming. As long as you know how it works then it doesn’t matter. Also if you’re really struggling then watch some defcon conferences and learn a bit about security then play buzzword bingo so they think you’re experienced with security testing too. Also FAANG is for fags, work for a no name company with good pay that isn’t gonna make you virtue signal on LinkedIn for them.

what did you have in your portfolio right before/around the time you were hired? id be interested to hear what specific things would pique their interests portfolio wise, im terrible at keeping my github fresh since i do all my stuff in xamp. ill be sticking with my stack at least until i finish what im working on, since its the reason i picked that collection up, im using Userfrosting (for its nicely structured login/signup system and great scaling) as a base plate.
>They want someone who can pseudo code and plan out something and then use the right frameworks around the idea
thats interesting to hear, in that sense, is it worth applying to positions that are asking for stacks you are unfamiliar with?

For christ sakes don't go to MSU online. There's a million other "online" schools that are superior.
>MSU Alum