I don't want to close my eyes

>I don't want to close my eyes
>I don't want to fall asleep
>'Cause I'd miss the pump
>And I need to sell SNE
>'Cause even when I dream of it
>The sweetest dream will never do
>I'd still miss the pump
>And a poorfag will ever be

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ever heard of limit orders?

rape dick

don't worry, sne will never pump. So you are good, user.

>And a poorfag will ever be
That's for sure

oh looks it's a schizo

El Arcón, never read a name here. wow

he is not one of us, anons. He is different

he's the enlightened one

What is Sne?

Oh wow that was very cringe of you, what a terrible day to have eyes

Obviously a token, you retard.

neither have I, first time, for me everybody is user

Don't worry about SNE, it's a tech project. They will raise again, like every tech shit. Most overvalued thing on market

yeah, we have to give credit to user, he's very creative, bobo got him like that

>They will raise again
like the south?

>cause I'd miss the pump

Honey, you can sleep tight, that pump ain't happening soon, let alone with sne, they are mid-term-long-term project, you gotta have that mindset

I'm scared, what does he want? Where did he came from? What is his determination?

I haven't what the fuck is that

If you want to sell sne you might be the most stupid person, read about edge computing and its potential then make a decision


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>And a poorfag will ever be

yes user, yes that's correct

like limit editions but in stocks. There are some stocks or coins which you just can buy if you put a limit order and then fill it with all the money you have on the exchange. Super easy and super nice investment


like every sell in bear market is stupid as fuck. Otherwise you just want to move from one into another token

cool pepe, mind if i download that?