0.00018 REJECTED

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My luna stay tuna

just bought 3 million wrapped luna.

what am I in for?

well I control my own reality and I can hop into timelines at will. SO I am in the timeline where the burn happens and it goes way above 1$

idk what timeline you anons are on but mine is fucking balla and I am going to make it

>well I control my own reality and I can hop into timelines at will
How do you do this? Asking for a friend

strange the timeline im in I don't have to guess I can watch the supply inflate in real time!

you are in for picrel
Reddit tier investing bub

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big if true

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Honest question. Is there ANY CHANCE for LUNA to recover? Will it ever reach a Dollar again? Also, is it true that the Hedgefunds fucked with Crypto, UST, Luna etc.?

bro to reach a dollar if they stopped minting luna right now would require 14x bitcoins market cap

This man will end up hating his own child because LUNA lmfao

no, no and no
>the hedgies aaaaaah oh no no not the hedgies!!!

this is insanely bearish desu

My luna moon soona

I see fren. Im a novice, so I dont know much about crypto. Where these coins/shares coming from though? I heard the float is rising daily, how is this possible?

Is the burn in the room with us right now?

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fren I suggest you learn about tokenomics before investing in projects. Luna is inflating because its minting luna to back UST as designed


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explain how Do Kwon losing his wealth and faces protracted legal battles somehow means there will be a burn sweaty

we all just got burned

Ohhhh, so it has to do with UST actually? Holy crap, I see. Yes fren, I have to look deeper into the tokenomics.

Captcha: KYS00

What a hilariously retarded move to name your daughter after a ponzi scheme. BRB gonna have a son and name him Scratch Off Lottery Ticket

I have the perfect strategy to rebound Luna.

It's Luna, the cat from Sailor Moon!

Attached: th-1698712522.jpg (474x745, 23.6K)

cute now make a BSC shitcoin themed after this cat. LUNAPUSSY

beer/weed money bro. 1 LUNA = 1 LUNA

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Oh nooooo. The two dollars I invested is now $5 instead of $10. Noooooooooooo

looks like your gonna be taking a tolerance break, same here

you see, win win win

yes but it's going to take work
first we need to raid elons twitter and ask him to give up his own money
then we need to raid bit boys newest video and spam the comments section so people will buy
then we need to make memes and spread them
then we HODL THE LINE!

the fact that OP took the time to make this thread is incredibly bullish

This image almost captures how embarrassed you should feel to buy into Luna after one of the biggest black swan events in crypto history

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yes please more paper hands to capitulate and grow my short