Are GME general threads made by bots or actual baggie schizos ?

Are GME general threads made by bots or actual baggie schizos ?

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They are made by me. Fuck you faggot.

idk, and that scares me

literal redditors suriving on pure hopium. little do they realize the squeeze already happened. kek retards.

Actual baggie schizos

GME created many many baggies. After two years only the most schizo remain. They mostly hang out on Reddit though because they have a big circle jerk there, whereas here half the /gme/ threads are people making fun on the baggies.

baggie schizos. there's a LOT of them.

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Ask me how I know you’re in India right now

Oh yes, the schizos think that anyone who speaks badly about /gme/ is an outsourced Indian shill working for a hedge fund


I am one of the baggies.

It's not hopium, it's quality research. Hedgefunds are corrupt and try to make as much money as possible.


why not both?

Baggie schizos hold GME but bots make the threads. You can tell because they always get trips or something

GME is traded by bots

By pattern seeing schizos

>Is the MOASS happening today?

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Biz is 45% bots 45% pajeets and 5% idiots and 5% normal humans

will i survive my mountain trip?

It s literally today

imagine believing the words of wall street juice... couldn't be me.

>Hedgefunds are corrupt and try to make as much money as possible.
No one cares and any self-respecting human being who is in any market should attempting to be making as much money as possible too.

Brah i'm what they call

>GME cultist
>XRP shizo

I also tried to suck my own cock one time which is not gay.

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It's both. Schizophrenic robots.