Tfw 2mil LUNA and just have to wait a few months, weeks even

>tfw 2mil LUNA and just have to wait a few months, weeks even

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Based, just brought about the same

This image is so retarded that I always wonder why people keep posting it

>2 million Luna
>check supply
7 trillion

don't care

3.7mil. Gamble of a lifetime. If I'm wrong I'm out 1000, if I'm right I'm sitting comfy. With the trading volume staying this high there's a lot more vested interest then most flavor of the month shitcoin moonshots.

If they didn’t burn a single token if BTC make a leg toward 100k LUNA hits $.01 and anyone holding 1mm+ enters six figs.

That’s WITHOUT a token burn of any kind.


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elon musk is going to burn 50% of the supply in exchange for fucking DK's wife

I got my 1.8m on kucoin in the trading account. Anyone know a better place to hodl it?

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I don't give a shit about six figs, I want a million and retire and buy a small house in the mountains
190k bag so it will never happen, I'll be lucky getting 4 figs out of it

This, also the burn would only need to last 12 years to burn most of it. So I am holding on forever.
That and compare the ethereum and classic ethereum charts: easy 1000x and 100x respectively. So I am throwing 1k into new Luna too.

You don't need to get upset about problems to solve them. I.e not caring means you would just solve a task instead of a problem.
Not caring means no problems.

trustwallet for phone or keplr for pc (chrome extension)

you can just create the seed and then delete the address from keplr so its not saved. now you have a cold storage, which you can import again at any time.

Also sitting on 2mil.
Can't wait to laugh at all these fags who were too scared to drop $100 on this.
Imagine believing all these retards that say it's a waste. You don't have to put up fuck all against luna. If it returns to 1% of its former value. I'm a multi millionaire.

Do I get off the exchange now with the LUNA coin or wait until it possibly peaks, then turn it back to USDT or BTC before cold storage?

depends on your strategy. you can keep it on exchange or just keep it in storage and redeposit when ur ready to sell. up to you.

i thought were just worried about luna, not your overall portfolio (since you brought up btc and usdt)

if youre going to hold for the long haul then take it off. as they say not your keys not your coins.

why would you not wonder why you are not getting it instead? ngmi.

I only have Luna on Kucoin via a USDT transfer from cuckbase.
My non-exchange experience is nil, but I went against my gut to buy BTC in 2011 Ron Paul days.
Worse, I bought 64,000 DOGE with 4 zeros in 2020, and sold it all 3 months before it went to .50
My gut says to hold LUNA.

I know it seems too easy, but it remains entirely true. All in one's attitude.

They're trying to fork on you bro, they want to use their funds to bail out all the old holders and none of us

keep it there, don't listen to anyone telling you to put it in a wallet there is no need or advantage, this isn't along term hold and you might not be able to get it back on the exchange

Why is there such a want to create fomo about luna on biz? Im starting to fall for it .... This shit is dead in the water and they will prob fork and fuck

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