Contemplating suicide Any Forums

You ever feel like you're not good enough to be alive, like everyone you encounter doesn't like you and it's somewhat always been that way? I feel like I carry some dark energy I lurked Any Forums when I was a kid and it seriously fucked me up, i'm now an adult and just feel like I don't deserve to be on this planet and maybe I don't. Sometimes I can be surrounded by people and feel so alone like i'm an imposter in my own body. I even made it and still feel like this and if anything it just made it worse, I feel deep paranoia and just want it all to go away and end. You ever felt like that user?

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yeah but embrace it don't let it haunt you
'be in this world not of this world'

chin up nigger

Yeah its called depression. first realize it's nothing special, it's fixable, and take comfort you've made it and can be happy too. you just need to stop doing what you're doing right now. get some perspective, travel maybe you'll find people are hospitable. go try new things, accept you're just like every else. nobody is more adapt at life, everyone is just as scared and feel lost, some hide it well. others have just gotten past the letting it effect them part. lighten up.
life does not need to be so damn serious you're going to die anyway. if you can't make it work for you, don't expect anything different when you die shits a mystery.
also, you're more or less fundamentally just brain chemicals, you'll feel like shit if you don't take care of your body. go learn MMA, and dancing. and eat well. probiotics, your gut is fucked cunt trust me.

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fuck some powerful advice in here anons, I think I need to get out of my home town just feels like everyone here knows my deepest darkest secrets but I suppose that is what paranoia and being a tad schizo is like,

another bible verse for you:
no man is a prophet in his own land

kek'd (& check'd)

There is one thing OP that really prevents me from KMS, it's the fact that I won't know what happens in the future. If you suffer, live out of spite

Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power but we never say never
Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
The music's for the sad men

Can you imagine when this race is won
Turn our golden faces into the sun
Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune
The music's played by the, the mad man

Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, and ever
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever young

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I'm no normie either user but even the normies have some things figured out. I'm a Any Forumsack been frequent to total internet shitholes for 8 years, I'm a full blown Nazi in most respects, I've no money, I'm a Neet now was diagnosed chronic anxiety depression in my teens. I've had a poor education, even still, I'm happy with my life user, I've made great lifelong friendships, had my fair share of woman and romance, I've traveled, I'm fit and healthy. I regret fuck tons I've wanting to end it, I live quietly and peacefully now enjoying biz memes playing vidya but I know all things come to an end, worlds going tits up and preparing to raise horses with my family in the near future, I've pretty much moved on from most social needs don't see friends anymore don't feel the need. point is, you can have nothing or plenty be lazy or have plans, anything really and still find yourself wanting to end your life, in essence you can't decide how you feel about things at any given moment you just have to realize when you're unhappy you're not listening to yourself, it's entirely in your control to ignore the message that your mind and body is conveying to you. your choice is to ignore that feeling/cope let it eat you up, or listen and start to change your environment, change your mind. you don't need to die you need to change

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damn too right

what if you think you have an idea of what happens in your future, its not 100% certain but it visits you in dreams, it haunts your everyday existence, what if the AI get so sentient they can pick you out like the paranoid depressed rat you are, look at all your internet history, forever imbedded in your social credit score before a drone comes and annihilates your earthly existence.

thanks user, honestly

Most people aren't worth trying to impress, so who cares what they think of you. Your worth has nothing to do with how popular you are - plenty of shitty people are well-liked.
God is who we need to focus on impressing.

Every day is a new opportunity for you towards making a better future for yourself. As long as you don't do something stupid like go to jail or get AIDS then those opportunities are still waiting for you to reach out and take.
>that social credit speel
That would ruin so many people that nobody would pick you out from the rest. AI will never get that good, at least not within out lifetimes.

Yes user. Make a change today, start with a therapist. If you actually made it, literally invest $10k in finding a top notch therapist that you have strong chemistry with. Trust me, it'll be worth it. Also start exercising, hit the gym and start doing cardio. Also stay off Any Forums that place is a fucking literal dump.

haven't been on Any Forums in about 10 years, but what I saw on there haunts me to this day, because when I was young I enjoyed it, some seriously dark stuff user, in my mid 20's now
this is true I need to stop caring about other people but in this world where everyones so socially connected it can feel suffocating, I find myself scrolling the people I know's lives and can't help but feel that if they saw me they would repulse, but I need to just not care about what they think
I'll try my best

Get a life psycho

drop your natal chart OP, I will give you some advice

If you have the money for it - buy a small farm with animals. They will heal your soul. People in our current age are lost beyond belief - no wonder that you don't feel, like you don't belong to them. For me it is kinda similar, but I stopped giving a fuck a long while ago.

Get off the internet and hit the gym
Just getting your brain toxin levels in check is going to help alot, trust me

Hey OP, don't despair.
If you really made it, consider using crypto for your payments instead of fiat. Utrust can help you with that.

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