SmartCon was delayed because Sergey's presence is required for an unscheduled speech at Davos

SmartCon was delayed because Sergey's presence is required for an unscheduled speech at Davos.

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was smart con really delayed?

I had a weird dream, link pumped in a parabolic from 7 bucks straight up to 1k and something. The world was going crazy then stabilised to around two digits. What's the meaning of this? I hate link because it's trash. Yet I had this dream.

yes it was pushed back 3 weeks

Davos is in May, smartcon is in September.

what is the stinky linky and wef connection about?

three more weeks

had almost the same dream
its happening

You assume schedules are cleared until the date of events. Unplanned events require shifts in other events.


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You're not even trying

The betrayal occurs on unforeseen levels.

Lmao this just bizarre at this point. They really hate their community

there's no such thing as a community in this doggy dog market

Haha, you're wasting your cash on the trash and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check SparkWorld

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see see i pee

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chainlink is the real smart con
get dunked on stinkie retards

DAVOS is in may idiot

it was delayed because they want to have a certain thing completely ready before doing it
cannot be more obvious at this point

>Sergey's presence is required for an unscheduled "speech" at Davos

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Damn! The kid from The Sixth Sense really porked out.

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