Matt bros

Matt bros...

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Why are you zoomers so obsessed with other men's hair loss?

sup jeremy

Because it's funny

Needs to see Jerichos guy

i hope i have hair like Mat's when im 50. imagine that at 20.

Because these dudes are rich and hair transplants are like $7000.

I don't really understand how hair loss is funny or even interesting in any way but then again I'm not a semen slurping zoomie so I guess I don't understand the nuance of the "humor"

they are coping because they know this is their future

Hair transplants look like shit, you can't swim because they look even worse when wet which means you also can't wet your hair before a match which most wrestlers do constantly.

Stop being an insecure bitch like a woman and just let yourself age naturally. One day you retards will realize that your problems with women come from your massive insecure energy more than how you look.

they're also old, user. you stop caring about that shit, esp if you are rich, married and have kids, and in some cases, have a good body in your later years to show off instead.

Fucking hell Matt

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Clearly bothers the dude or he wouldn't be constantly pushing it back


he's almost 50.........

>user learns about aging

>heh, luckily it will never happen to me
eventually they will learn, father time always goes over

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keep crying you bald bitch

ITT: Malding boomers mad they started losing hair in their 20s

I genuinely cant imagine Matt or Jeff would look if they're balding. Imagining them getting bald and just shaving it all of like that Shawn Michaels did one time just felt nightmarish.

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He's almost 50.
Not bad all things considering.

Hair never drew a dime

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This is actually true.

Austin and Hogan were both bald at their peak.

Rock had hair for a while but has been bald for years now.

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That was back on the 90's counter to 80's culture of bald acceptance, we are back on bald shaming

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Haha what an angry bald bitch.