My legs are disabled, I have no skills that would make able to remote work for some company...

My legs are disabled, I have no skills that would make able to remote work for some company, I have no money to invest in crypto and I live on 300 dollars worth governmental assistance.
How do I make money?

Attached: 07f.png (886x886, 99.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get on Amazon Mturk and grind out jobs, every week or so put your earnings into a high risk alt coin or just DCA into bitcoin if you don’t want to risk it

Wheel chair bound gay prostitute. I don’t know does that turn fags on? You could run a gay brothel.

fags would absolutely pay to bang a dude in a wheelchair, but then you'd be a dude in a wheelchair getting banged by fags

Learn to code unironically, companies will love to have you because you’ll boost diversity numbers. Plus you’ll probably make more than 90% of the population working from home anyway

qmee on mobile - > paypal - > CEX like coinbase or something into btc is a viable option similar to this route

that pepe mixed with your post makes me sad. hope that doesn't sound patronising.
my tiny side hustle to earn $30 a month is from a website testing company.
it's great for just adding a bit more to your cryptos. there's a lot of other companies with the same work on the internet.

I did sign up for mturk but it's been 3 days since I applied and no answer yet. Also I don't live in the US, how to turn Amazon gift card into crypto?

you can still work without legs, what a fucking retard larp

OP already does it for free

If you really have zero skills to offer but a lot of free time and don't mind doing boring things you can earn some money transcribing for people on upwork or whatever. You'd need to be able to touch type at least I would imagine.

Look into crypto faucets and low end mining... they pay out crap but after a while you can use that to invest into other crypto. It's going to be a slow grind but those small amounts of satoshi add up.

Bro, I quit school when I was 12, I have been a shut in neet since then (am now 25). I go outside like once a month. I have no idea how society operates or what jobs are out there.
I am sorry okay.

Attached: 917.png (657x527, 63.02K)

You write too well to be this limited user. I’m sorry your development has been neglected by the adults in your life as a teen, but you’re probably selling yourself short and have a lot more potential than you might realize. You likely have a great mind that can be used for whatever you focus on. I believe in you. I believe in all anons who haven’t realized their full potential yet.

Specialist kink OnlyFans? I'm sure someone would pay to see you try and twerk.

Learn how to scalp the markets, build up your portfolio, granted it'll take time because of your low capital, however it's possible

>Bro, I quit school when I was 12
same boat user, always excelled in grades but i whined to my mom to homeschool because i just hated public education. i wonder how many people here are slightly above average intelligence and just ended up drifting into nothingness not really doing anything. but like the other user said were all gonna make it

Glad I'm not OP

Put 300 dollars into luna and you won't need to work

Fix your legs and then sell the cure retard

Mturk pays real money to your bank