
what would the worlds financial systems look like if jews never existed?

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The financial system wouldn't exist without them. They created it.

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we'd still be trading sticks and stones and living in mudhuts.

This. We'd just be trading our goods or services for some PMs and essentially work as much or as little as we liked. The biggest existential concern for most of us would be bad crop yields or maybe war.

sorry moshe but it just doesn't add up

I... i dont think so user

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we would not have a financial system neither would we measure value of someone in currency

It wouldn't be so "high" but also not prone to massive collapses. Basically compare pre-1913 economics to post-1913.

I wonder how all those nations flourished after they expelled their Jews and banned usury? Fucking kikes are still mad about getting kicked out of other race brings up their victimization from god-damned prehistory kek.

I read that there was almost 0 inflation in the USD (US silver certificate I guess would be more accurate) in the 100 years prior to creation of the Fed.

lol you can't imagine. A world where money put into a bank is the exact same amount as being lend by the bank. No derivatives, no futures except for farmers to hedge against a harvest shortfall. Lots of cooperatives. A world in which money is backed by gold, physical labor or commodities like oil. No reserve currencies. I can go on.

I'm a white Christian male that runs as successful 20 employee business.
I do things in direct opposition to making money all the time.
About once a week minimum I just tell the customer to take it for free because it's a small item.

The world "profit" didn't used to, if you follow the etymology, mean monetarily only.
My profits are in the goods I feel.
So get rid of the Jews and you'd have more of that.

it's true. this world is literally built on Finance, created by Jews. If you don't know that then you don't know anything.

Adolf Hitler created that modernised economic system without Jewry and he turned a nation obliterated by the first world war into the biggest economic powerhouse in the world at a time when everyone else was mired in the great depression
Scientific and economic wonders we could only dream of. Making the first jet fighter in 1941 the Messerschmitt 262, V-2 rockets, no class distinction etc etc. I can go on.


Never heard of him.

would be really nice to have this thread mainstreamed on every main country channel

>I'm christian
>I'd still be christian if jews never existed

How does that even works? Jesus was a jew. Reality is, if jews never existed, christianity wouldn't be, and by extension western civilization wouldn't be a thing.

Debt based currency and easy access to credit have certainly done sone things to improve the life of the working class. It would be ridiculous to deny that, but, as we all know, Jew greed won't allow that to go on for more than a few generations. This sorta forward thinking is why countless other countries banned usury in the past. It's like getting someone hooked on heroin....they'll feel great for a while, but eventually, the dope dealer stops giving them any free drugs and they're getting shit on by Arabs.

>Scientific and economic wonders we could only dream of.
except the one scientific wonder that could have won him the war, nukes. kek. that was created by Jews who are just smarter.

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i can smell your jewstank from afar shlomo
joos were clipping coins up until they added grooves

A healthy, balanced system focused to improve world real economy

fuck off pharisee

The entire Nazi Germany economy was run by debt, eventually it was going to crash in a huge bubble.

I'm not a Jew, I just understand how Finance literally funded the building of the world and you don't.

They built the Pyramids, so they've been around for a long time. Pretty sure we'd be living hand to mouth without their incentivizations they afford common man with their money systems.

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Not sure how anything you said follows.
Jews were supposed to change their heart and follow Christ.
Getting rid of current Jews is only getting rid of those that LITERALLY REJECT CHRIST.

You are just seething because you know it's true. The entire base of western civilization was created by a Jesus who was a jew, with a jewish background.

much more decentralized, the rothschilds basically bought Europe and the med after Napoleonic wars