Unironically, has he ever been wrong about anything?

Unironically, has he ever been wrong about anything?

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Idk but shitters like that bald retard from the reunion constantly praising him is starting to make him look bad

when evaluating himself as a wrestler, he only gave himself a 4/10 for promo skills

the only thing I think he's retarded for is how he left the company.
>leave for the rival company which is putting you out of business because your boss can't afford to keep you
>expect to look strong at the expense of the companies top heel
>have some weird pride about losing in Canada and start politicking your way out of jobbing clean

Michaels was a fucking bitch, no doubt, but I have no clue why Bret thought that refusing to job and simply handing over the main title after he'd already left the company for - and I'll say it again - the company pushing Vince into homelessness was a viable choice. Bret's based, but that's the one thing you can fault him for.

I've always found the test is to show a wrestling match to someone who isn't just a non fan, but one of those pricks who can't wait to tell you it's fake. When you show them a Bret Hart match, they still find things to pick on, but it sounds like they're reaching and they know it. Bret made it look more real than anyone else.

Shut up Dax go shine your chrome dome

I think he was unfairly critical of Bad News Brown as a worker, but other than that no.

Honestly he was wrong not to rest after the Goldberg match. People wrongly assume that it was his last match, he worked a few matches (even a hardcore match) and angles after this which likely aggravated his concussion. Who knows what kind of career he could have had if he took 3 months off after getting injured.

Calling Seth unsafe

I think that's true. As an anecdote, I got a friend in to wrestling by showing them a promo package for Goldberg/Brock 2, it was the one that aired prior to Survivor Series that highlighted Brock was on a tear and Goldberg was the underdog coming out of retirement. As soon as Goldberg hit the first spear, they were hooked. Unfortunately they lost interest, I shit you not, with the Roman push.

How is he wrong? By the time he made that comment he had injured 2 people and, at the time it was believed, ended Stings career

>Who knows what kind of career he could have had if he took 3 months off after getting injured.
He was in his mid-40s when he retired, he didn't have the charisma to become a manager or on screen talent - and I reckon he had enough dignity to avoid doing what Foley and Flair did of continuing far far past their expiration date. If not for the concussion he probably would have bumbled around the WCW upper midcard for a few years, had an underwhelming return match with Shawn Michaels in 2003, hung around the midcard for a year or two and then retired after wrestling one final match with The Big Show on WWECW in 2006. We didn't miss anything special desu

My guess is he'd have stayed around until the end of WCW (or perhaps ducked out a few months before the end when they were doing the Magnificent Seven storyline), came back to WWE with some big fanfare in 04/05, had a Mania match with either Shawn or Vince, and then retired the year after putting over Edge at Mania.

Fix your gut flora Dax.

Trusting Goldberg to be safe

you should show them a bill goldberg match if you really want to get them pumped

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>Goldberg shoot laying out guys with lower body tackles

Always marked out to this

Always thought heel Bret was great on the mic, I'd give him a 7.5/10 for promos

>that entire crowd standing up and marking out

I miss wrestling

yeah, he's a racemixer

> Unironically

redditturd pedo faggots should kill themselves

he’s not going to have a kid with the black bitch. he’s old and she’s half his age so he’s having a little fun before he kicks the bucket

being a trash racist isn't having fun. it means he got so much braindamage from cte he can't think anymore

When he decided to say yes I will wrestle an incompetent bill goldjew