What coin would you buy if you sold all your rose?

What coin would you buy if you sold all your rose?

Because that is what I am going to do with this shit coin.

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Jesus my bags are so heavy brose. On the other hand there literally nothing to buy


I would buy rose again


Luna, actually considered it.



I've sold all my Rosie's like 1 month ago, going to buy back in during tomorrow's bloodbath.


Rose holders have the IQ of a potato confirmed.

XTZ fren

Stay tethered until PrecogFinance (tickr PCOG) release. Then do an all in and wallah, you've made it

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Getting a bag of Qanx would be a better option for you faggot

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Yes, there is. It's rose at 3c.

everyone is expecting it to dump tomorrow, maybe better to buy back now and put a tight stop loss

dumb ass, you are better off buying lox, at least they have some use.


Not a bad choice considering its close to being listed on Binance and MEXC.

True that. LUNA is the worst option atm, I will consider scrt and xmr instead.

scrt is a really excellent option, they have really improved their mainnet, and a lot of developers have been attracted to build on it because of the 500x improvement in scalability and funds they offer developers.

PriFi is going to make a whole lot of chads a fortune this year. I'm balls deep in Railgun which is the most complete privacy protocol.

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Retard. Investing in Dkt would be an even better option. Dkt has the potential to do more numbers than these.

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