Pro-wrestling is the only sport not ran by jews

pro-wrestling is the only sport not ran by jews

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They are beholden to TV stations for exposure. Cannot exist without them.

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McMahon has jewish ancestry

Yea but no. Jews run TV. TV contracts are the main source of income for all feds. TV execs get to dictate what is and isn't shown in their networks. So ipso facto jews run wrestling too.

Are you sure about that?

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He's one of the good ones

What the fuck are you on?

this, but WWE is one of the few that isn't actually ran by a jew itself.
Which is pretty neat, though I wouldn't doubt if Vince is a free mason or something.
The sad thing, a lot of stuff was created by others, but are sold to jews. Squid game being the most recent example, a guy's literal decade creation and only sold for one million to netflix that made billions lmao. that's kinda his fault though tbf.


I like Jews. My only girlfriend was a Jew. Her name was Freda.


>this, but WWE is one of the few that isn't actually ran by a jew itself.
Yea but no. WWE is a publicly traded company with shareholders. Ipso facto jews run WWE

ipso fatso kek

Nobody would care about Squid Game without Netflix. Nobody would care about musicians without their record labels. There's definitely jewery afoot, but it's not a total scam and I usually find the Jewish agents to be less obnoxious than the faggy artists they latch onto.

maybe that's why the taste-makers and 'journalists' are overwhelmingly jewish. Like a security apparatus, if they can't actually be the power then they'll swarm around the nodes.

I'll disagree with the musicians. Jews in the music industry will fuck your ass if you don't do what they want. Not even the whole conspiracy illuminati type stuff, but music related shit. there's a lot of broke artists or artists who can't release music because their gay ass contract that fucks them up. the only people who truly benefit from deals and shit are guys like MJ, Eminem, etc. the big time players. not that small pop artist that made a good enough song to get signed to a deal. that small pop artist will be fucked in the ass hardcore. Hence why guys like Frank Ocean left their record labels. If it fucks someone like Ocean then who knows.

>pozzed jew shit with trannies and fags all over the industry
I don’t know user. They may not technically run it, but they do seem to have a hell of a lot of pull, nonetheless.

WWE is a conservative company

Could not be further from the truth
He ripped off countless people for money in ECW

he outright just didn't pay most guys. He had angles crucifying people. Open drug use in and out of the ring. He was a 'good' one insofar as he was the archetypal new york jew.

>Paul (((Heyman)))
>Dave (((Meltzer))))
>Rob (((Feinstein)))
>David (((Bixenspan)))
Are you sure about that?