I wish I had a bit more of gray matter, my frens advised me about not getting into metaverse that early...

I wish I had a bit more of gray matter, my frens advised me about not getting into metaverse that early, that bear market was coming, and I didn’t listen… I spent a lot of money on ddrop lands, money I could’ve used

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Well there once was a time long ago before drugs existed, a supernova created the universe

Why are you crying, Fren? I would rather own land than some monies

How adorable crying kitties look. Cute

But user... You don't have any frens

Be patient. Hodl your imaginary land, it will maybe skyrocket somewhen. Just be patient

Maybe OP doesn't understand the concept of time and long term

OP you just wait until 2023 and that's it, rent your land or turn it into a brothel

Am I the only one who don't have a single clue what ddrop is?


Imaginary land is a good investment. You should put more money to invest in the dip, may be even take out a loan or bigger student loan so you can buy more. You can pay off the loan when it appreciates.

To hold money is for sure the worst asset

Back to shilling dropp are we jeet? We did tell you dropp and the other shitcoins you shilled are retarded (like you) but you refused to listen and kept shitting up the board. You get what you deserve

Surprisingly a really good idea.

'starts comparing different bank interest of loans'

capslocking saging genius here put it in the name field, kek


he deserves nothing else

Ddrop could actually be a good investment if our real world is going down

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how high are you?


What the actual fuck is wrong with you all

I wish I had a bit more of a grey matter too, but that's ok, ignorance is a bliss

grey matter is meth, right?

You wish you have imaginary lands, this is only the beginning of the metaverse

yes, user. We are talking about meth

Nosy bitch