
I am 18 yo, joined crypto on march 2020. Initial 3k, ath 92k, now $200. I dont see any hope for myself. That was my only chance to make it. I will never wage. I am seriously considering suicide.

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Why didn't you sell, you dumb fuck?
Is 30x not enough for you to sell?
Greedy ass dumb ass nigger

>18 yo
I hope this is bait

Yea, I am so fucking stupid

You have to be 31 to post here.

you werent old enough to be legally trading, so get rekt

moron, my grandfather despised a friend of his who offed himself and I understand why years later

so you invested $3k of saved-up birthday money into crypto when you were 16, lost it, and now you're thinking about suicide?

Jesus fuck man, pull yourself together. $3k is nothing. That's one month of rent in San Francisco or NYC.

What's most important is for you to get over this "I will never wage" mindset. Do you understand compound interest? You need to work your ass off now, when you're young, so you can be a lazy NEET later when you're a millionaire and the interest on your investments pays for all your expenses

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This pain is too much I cant handle it. And when I tell my mom and her reaction will be bad it will be a trigger for suicide

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>18 yo
>Losing 3k
>Considering suicide
This is shit bait skin user

>worked my ass off since 22
>lost everything ($50k)
I want to die.

Just do it then you whiny little fag

>the pain is too much, I can't handle it
can't is the language of won't; coping is a skill that needs to be practiced; learn to cope with your negative emotions now and you'll be a stronger and more successful person in the future; pray; build your emotional resiliency and also get a job

t. 30-year-old millionaire NEET who worked his ass off throughout his 20s and didn't kill himself during any of the -80% crypto bear markets

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Don't worry user. You're young. There is always prostitution.

Baby’s first dip

>too big of a faggot to contribute to society in any meaningful way.
>daddy gave me trading money.
Do a flip faggot.

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Not my problem.

>18 years old
>lost 3k
>it's over

You'll be fine, suck it up

are you retarded?

get a job, loser

What a coincidence OP, I also lost around 3k. I saved what was left by the fire but it sucks. You're younger than me so the year you spend making that back will hopefully feel less important than mine

I joined crypto in july 2020, age 18.
Initial $100, ath 30k, now 5k.
I managed to make 5k from $100, and you have double my initial. Why would you kill yourself?

Everyone should take care of their mental health during this trying time. I take some time off to play family feud game on GameStar+ just to relax my nerves. But learn to take profit annon.

How the fuck is a plastic bag over the head only 23 on the agony scale? It sounds just as bad as drowning

i made it to 6 figs from the same amount
so it's possible my man

You'll find that having water flowing through your lungs is a tad more painful than just not being able to breathe.

My initial was $1684, ATH $14,000 and now $262

Today I lost more than $230

One time I recovered from $300 to $14,000, but is difficult

I know how you feel, I want to kms too

>I managed to make 5k from $100

No, holding Ampleforth and getting gifted £8000 in Forth. I had no idea it was going to happen, just looked at Any Forums one day, saw the airdrop, got a load of money.

Stay strong, money is an illusion the devil wants you to chase. Find purpose in life besides money, otherwise you will be reincarnate many cycles of suffering

Buy the dip retard.

why wouldn't you wage fucking idiot?
You are 18 did you even finish school?

anyway, the more i learn about people and money, the more i realize how differently wired i am about this topic. How didn't you cash out at least 40k in stables?

you had no clue what you were doing. Read some books on market, etc , and then maybe come back.

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stupid larp.
Money is definitively important. It allows you to be independant and be able to live your own way, and tell people you don't like to fuck off, jobs that you don't like to fuck off and so on

Who the fuck wants to wage?

you are ngmi if you already want to be a pathetic neet at 18 y old like op.
Just find the right occupation for you. It isn't that hard

there is no "right occupation" while you are working under a boss or bending the knee for your clients

>I will never wage
I too was young once.

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there is, you're just too retarded to find it. Also there are always obligations

I'm 12 and I lost all of my pocket money on doggycoins, I'm grounded and it's summer now, my friends don't even want to play roblox with me anymore. I think I'm going to drink some bleach

Feel you bro, 230k ath now 10k, initial 500e, not giving up but im not sure what i would do in your position


We're all salves. Just because you cannot see the bars, doesn't mean you're free.

How does Monoxide have any agony

there have been wars where 16 year olds (shit even 12, 13 year olds) have fought and died, you fucking pussy

watch this, pussy bitch

hodling bitcoin would also given him a solid 6x.
if you are too stupid for this shit just go for the safe option.

STFU you dumb idiot. You're just 18 and contemplating suicide.
Use that $200 and invest in RIDE before product launch. NFA

Do with your $200 left and recover. When there is life, there is hope. I would buy solid low caps projects like AXL and stake them till bull run.

go to business school, get into upper management, then they will pay you your ath every month.

>the pain is too much i cant handle it
Losing 3k is painful?