Why do these two make Any Forums seethe so much?

Why do these two make Any Forums seethe so much?

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Any Forums makes them seethe actually

Basically, Twitter

Bald one would barf himself to death if he read 1/4 of the shit we post about him like the bulimic bitch that he is


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Primarily this.
I specifically boycott whatever segments they're in because of this.

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When does bald fuck not cry about something? It's why I'm glad the Bucks carny these dorks.

I dont even know their names bro

Seems based to me

Set off both Shawncel and no dimes iPhone spammer and Any Forums is a board of autistic faggots who just endlessly post the same shit.

>FTR browses Any Forums for (yous)
>Sees a thread calling them out as the dimeless fat shitters they are
>Makes a thread "W-w-why do we make you seethe?"
Kek keep crying and shine the young bucks boots ya jobbers

there's a pack of marks here that are incredibly easy to work

Actual professional wrestlers who take being a tag team seriously. Any Forums is dumb enough to think they aren't good because TK is too dumb to book them well.

>It’s Paul’s fault
>It’s Shawn’s fault
>It’s Vince’s fault
>It’s The Bucks’ fault
>It’s Tony’s fault

I like them as wrestlers but god damn they're crybabies

All true

Not Paul's fault. The Revival were dimes in NXT and their tag matches always stole the show at Takeovers. They made American Alpha and DIY look amazing.

Theyve shouldve gone to MLW instead


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I'm pretty certain they make more cleaning the Bucks' Nikes than they would wrestling in MLW

FTR Bald and FTR Hair